Ebonics and Subtitles

Some jackass left a very stupid comment on a recent post, titled "Gonna Git His Ass Whooped," which featured a video by The Bench in which some local black youths approached me and spoke out of frame. The spoke like a lot of black folk do, and I subtitled it for those who may not have understood what they were saying. The jackass's comments: love your captions! i mean really... so humane, so ignorant and blatantly racist... makes me question whether youre part of a solution or part of an even greater problem... The jackass, who is too cowardly to use her real name, accused The Bench of being racist by quoting the youths exactly. In the video, one of the girls said, "What is you doin'?" and I subtitled it that way. Apparently, the jackass feels that I should have written the subtitle to have said, "Excuse me, my good man, but would you mind awfully telling me what it is that you are doing here this evening?" That would not have made sense. Furthermore, to "whiten up" the subtitles would have been racist. Subtitles that are faithful to what is actually spoken are not racist. They are accurate. But the jackass is a cowardly, hypersensitive kool-aid drinker who jumps on anything to do with race and assumes that it must have racist motivation. And that, friends, is racist.

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