Showing posts with label pedophiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pedophiles. Show all posts

Is Harry Reid a Sicko? We Have The Right To Know!

U.S. Senator Harry Reid, alleged pedophile
This is huge: A U.S. Senator and a hot scandal involving the molestation of innocent children. Is Sen. Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, a pedophile monster? We don't know, we're asking. The American People demand answers, and we all have the right to ask - don't we? It seems a reasonable question to pose to the man who put so much effort into a bill that would be accurately but not officially known as "The Pedophile Protection Act."

I was first alerted to this potential bombshell by the  wicked graphic, shown here, on Facebook. It's one of those items that makes the rounds on the Internet with no attribution, but I did a search and found a post over at with the title "Harry Reid is a pedophile." It begins with this:

"I got that from a reliable source who made me promise not to reveal his name.  But he knows.  Honest. Now I’m sure some would expect me to back up this claim with some of those 'fact' thingys or maybe a link or two.  Well, given that I’ve promise anonymity for my source, not happening.  Just Google 'Harry Reid pedophile' there are 1.79 million hits."

That's not quite accurate, by the way. For the sake of journalistic accuracy, I did a Google search of "Harry Reid pedophile," with and without quotation marks. The results:  Five results with quotation marks, and "about 9,840,000 results" without them. But what's a discrepency of more than 8 million Google search hits when we're talking about the alleged pedophile Harry Reid?

The discerning reader will quickly realize that the piece is clever satire, designed to show the hypocrisy and calculated lying by Democrats to discredit Mitt Romney. Reid recently told the media that “somebody” at the Bain Capital told him that Romney has not released his tax returns because he didn’t pay any taxes for ten years. That's all Reid would offer. Hearsay: A rumor he heard, quite possibly while he was being pleasured in a gay bath house for all we know.

It's an old trick, of course: Make wild accusations against your enemies and insist that you cannot name your sources. No matter how absurd the accusation, it ends up sticking in the minds of some who hear. The damage is done. Like a wildly aimed shotgun blast, most of the shot pellets miss their mark but a few reach the target. The damage is done. Goal achieved. That's what Harry Reid and his fellow Democrats do all too frequently. Slam and scram, that's how they work. It's a tactic that's Alinsky recommended.

So we join in asking whether the despicable defender of pedophiles is a pedophile himself. As they say, the burden of proof is on him now. If a few pellets of this shot hit some dimwitted targets who cannot discern satire from reality, so be it.


Democrats Hugging Pedophiles

Democrats want to protect pedophiles and those who rape children. There's no other way to put, really, and it's completely accurate to say it. Democrats in Congress believe that the rapers of children should be a protected class of persons. That's why the child molester-protecting Democrats voted for H.R. 1913 in the House, and now the Senate has the opportunity to pass or reject it as S. 909. It's called the "Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act," but critics call it the "Pedophile Protection Act." As expected with the creeping incrementalism of the degradation of morality in America, under this sinister bill that accompanies H.R. 1913 (Hate Crimes Bill), S. 909 will give heightened protection to pedophiles. The Pedophile Protection Act, as some conservatives are calling it, along with the Hate Crimes Bill, is the first step toward criminalizing Christianity, and protecting all sexually deviant activities and behaviors. Full Article at American Daily Review... One Democrat, Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida, actually said that he feels pedophiles should not have to "live in fear because of who they are" (see video). To follow that line of thinking, perhaps Congress should pass a law protecting murderers and arsonists. After all, those poor souls live in fear "of who they are," don't they? Folks, when conservatives say that Liberalism is a mental disorder, we mean it literally. You only need look to the leaders of the Democrat Party for example after frequent example for proof that the insanity is real and deeply entrenched. Next time you hear a Democrat say they're doing something "for the children," ask them if they include children raped and molested by the same pedophiles that Democrats love so dearly. You might also ask them why they don't seem to consider the raping of children to be a hate crime. RELATED: Hate Crimes and the Sedition Act of 2009 - American Thinker Ask GOP Senate Judiciary Committee leader to fight bill - Leave a Comment Here... See our cool merchandise... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter