January 12, 2014 - (Updated Jan. 13) - The terrible chemical spill in West Virginia last Thursday is a horrible thing. We all agree on that. But who is to blame? Well, certainly Freedom Industries is. That's the company whose chemicals tainted the local water supply for nine counties, and they're owned by the Koch Brothers. Yes, those Koch Brothers, the ones who support Republicans. But there are others to blame: The Democrats who control West Virginia's state government.
Russia Today (RT) ran a story with this incredibly misleading headline: "US House passed bill ravaging toxic-waste law - on same day as W. Virginia chemical spill."
RT wrote this: "As West Virginians were learning Thursday of a devastating chemical spill in the Elk River that has rendered water undrinkable for 300,000 people, the US House of Representatives was busy gutting federal hazardous-waste cleanup law." Emphasis is mine, and made to show you that whatever the U.S. House of Representatives was doing last Thursday had nothing whatsoever to do with what was happening at the same time in West Virginia.
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
VIDEO: Russian Rocket Crashes Seconds After Takeoff
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Russian Proton-M Rocket Crash, 2 July 2013 |
Russian Rocket Crash Videos: In the first video below, RT gives a report in English. The second video below is in Russian but shows the entire launch-to-crash more fully. The third video shows another viewpoint as a busload of photographers scramble when they realize that they might be in danger from the falling rocket.
The launch took place at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhastan. The rocket had more than 600 tons of highly toxic fuel. The crash happened only 10 to 15 seconds after liftoff. "It was the second unsuccessful launch of a Proton-M carrier rocket with the DM-03 booster in the past three years," says The Moscow Times. A report this morning at RT's website says that "Immediately after takeoff, the rocket swerved to one side, tried to correct itself, but instead veered in the opposite direction. It then flew horizontally and started to come apart with its engines in full thrust. Making a huge arch in the air, the rocket plummeted back to earth and exploded on impact close to another launch pad used for Proton commercial launches.
There are "fears of a possible toxic fuel leak" just now, but RT reports that "no such leak has been confirmed." No casualties or damage to the nearby town of Baikonur were reported. However, an AFP report at Hurriyet Daily News says that "A Roskosmos spokesman could not immediately say whether people living near the crash site were being evacuated." Story continues below videos:
"Russia lost three Glonass satellites in December 2010 when a Proton-M veered off course and crashed in the Pacific Ocean," reports The Moscow Times today. "The rocket was also equipped with a DM-3 booster, designed and manufactured by the Energia space corporation. A state investigation commission later concluded that Energia experts miscalculated how much fuel was needed for the DM-3 rocket booster. As a result, the amount of oxidant exceeded the norm by 1-1.5 tons and excessive weight prevented the Proton-M rocket from putting the satellites into their calculated orbit."
Big Belly Burps Up Response to The Bench
Big Belly's Vice President Richard Kennelly reads The Bench, and he didn't like our criticism of the expensive, mechanical trash cans that they are foisting on many U.S. cities. In the post "Big Belly Chokes" on May 7, The Bench wrote that it is only a matter of time before they are vandalized on Morse Avenue here in Rogers Park, Chicago. But we also quoted other writers' criticisms of Big Belly. We did not, however, quote anybody from Big Belly, so to be fair we will publish Mr. Kennelly's response here (with an occasional injection of editorial interruption).
From: "Richard Kennelly"
To: rogersparkbench@yahoo.com
Subject: Blog on BigBelly - Rogers Park
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 12:14:41 -0400
Dear T. Mannis,
Regarding your post from Wednesday on the BigBelly solar compactors, while I am sure there are very real issues with trash, litter, recycling and other sanitation issues in Rogers Park (as in every neighborhood and every city), and I appreciate your effort to push the city to help make the neighborhood better, there are a couple of factual errors in your article that I’d like to address, and a few points to put solar compaction in perspective. (There did not appear to be a way to comment on your blog…)
Editorial Interruption: Uhm, you are commenting on this blog. You - wrote - to - us. Right? And you got the email from the big banner at the top of this blog, right? And now you're reading your comment, right? Okay, on with it, then.
1. Misconceptions about solar compaction: You cite EcoMetro as a source of objection to the BigBelly – but if you read through that posting and the comments (and the original Treehugger posting from 3 years ago it refers to, which also has been long since corrected but remains a frequently cited article despite its factual errors), you’ll see that the concerns and complaints originally raised were answered and the author agreed the solar compactors were a good part of a solution and a work in progress (i.e., the city will be adding recycling containers too).
Editorial Interruption: Fine, they think an electronic, mechanical trash compactor is "the answer" to our trash problems. They did not, however, stand down on their objection to the oxygen problem caused by tightly compacted trash in land fills. Continue.
a. Landfills: garbage is compacted in trucks, and at the transfer station and finally at the landfill – they drive huge vehicles over the landfills to pack the trash in tight, to maximize space utilization (so they don’t have to make new landfills as often). So whether you have a BigBelly or not makes no difference to the compaction in the landfill – it just saves the fuel and pollution of driving to pick up a lot of air-filled trash at each can location. (Also, EPA regulations require landfills to have plastic liners and to be capped with clay to avoid contaminating groundwater – so they are designed to seal in the trash…) While landfills and solid waste present many environmental problems, and we all need to throw away less stuff (reducing consumption, reusing stuff, composting and recycling), the solar compactors at least help reduce part of the problem (reducing truck fuel consumption and resulting pollution 75% or more) without creating or exacerbating the landfill or incineration issues.
b. Recycling: Another erroneous objection to compaction is that it hinders recycling – but cities can recover recycling from the BigBelly as easily as any other can (Palm Springs, CA does this, e.g., at a “Material Recovery Facility”) because the BigBelly does not make a “brick” or tight block, it just squeezes out most of the air. We also offer recycling containers for those who want the public to separate out paper, cans, bottles, etc. (and many of our customers place their own recycling containers next to the BigBelly), but that is also a question of how the material is collected (separate truck trips?) and where it is taken to (material recovery facility? Transfer station?), etc. Of course, a city recycling program costs money, mostly in the collection/transportation and transfer of the material, and it is not easy to do well (partly because people do not separate recycling well on the street – putting trash or wrong materials in the recycling bins, and recycling in the trash – which results in contaminated materials and wasted resources…). Nonetheless many cities are making progress on public-space recycling, which we need to encourage.
2. Broken machine: we will look into this reported problem immediately, but please understand that the BigBelly has a great track record of reliability and low-maintenance: the machines have been in Queens, NYC for 3 years and in hundreds of other locations, and have demonstrated a 99.9% uptime – very high for a product that, as you point out, is out on the street and subject to abuse and neglect. We hope that people will respect them and appreciate the effort to keep the neighborhood cleaner.
3. Too few trash cans – it is indeed important to have the right number of receptacles in the right locations, based on convenience and capacity for the specific area. You and other residents of the area have a great perspective on what is needed, where. There are a couple things to consider:
a. There is a balance where BigBelly is better for high-volume locations, and non-compacting receptacles are fine in lower-volume locations where a can is still needed so people won’t be tempted to litter if the nearest can is too far away.
b. Cost: the solar compactors are indeed just under $4000 for one unit, and much less for 25 or 50 units, but the majority of trash collection costs is not the can itself, it’s the collection trips with a garbage truck to empty the can – these 10-ton trucks typically cost $75 - $100 per hour to operate, and burn a lot of fuel (typically getting only 2 or 3 m.p.g.). So the BigBelly can pay for itself in 2 years or less, meanwhile preventing overflow, keeping out rats, birds, etc., and demonstrating another way solar power can reduce the need to burn fossil fuel. A $500 street receptacle may be a lower initial investment, but it will require much more money over 2-3 years in collection costs, and create more pollution (from litter and the diesel trucks, etc.).
Editorial Interruption: Are you kidding?!? See my next Interruption...
So you conclude that the city will soon have to “put up another kind of green,” which is true – litter control and garbage collection are expensive and getting more so every month. The question is how to get the most results out of the money spent on receptacles and collections over time. And solar compactors are a proven way to help make that money go farther, helping make for cleaner, more efficient communities. I hope Rogers Park is among them, and that you and other residents will continue to encourage the city to do what makes the most sense and is responsive to local needs and concerns.
Editorial Interruption: Are you kidding?!? Just because compacted litter does not have to be emptied from the cans/containers as often as from standard trash cans, that does not mean that fewer are needed on the streets. Therefore, if we replace the old ones with Big Bellys on a 1:1 ratio, that's going to cost a HUGE amount of money. Additionally, ongoing maintenance of the hi-tech garbage cans will be a perpetual budget drain. You can't spin that reality away, sir.
Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
Richard B. Kennelly
Vice President
50 Brook Road Needham, MA 02494 USA
t: 888-820-0300 x802 or 781.444.6002 c: 978-500-3992
BigBelly® Solar
Bright ideas for waste management
Thanks for writing, Mr. Kennelly. When I run for Congress, I want you to be my speechwriter and media manager. You're not a bad spin doctor. Thanks for writing, and best regards to you too.
Big Belly Chokes (Updated)
UPDATE: Big Belly Vice President Richard Kennelly responded to this post. Read his response here.
Another stupid idea comes to Chicago: Hi-tech garbage cans on the streets. After a decade of the failed Blue Bag recycling program, the Idiot Mayor Daley has decided that a complex, very expensive (about $4,000 each), tempting-to-vandals trash can will keep our streets cleaner and save the city some money.
The 49th Ward of Rogers Park has its own Big Bellys. Alderman Joe Moore and his Band of Fools are so blinded by anything that calls itself "green" that they just can't help themselves. Pictured here is a brand new Big Belly near the CTA's Red Line Morse Station in Rogers Park. A few days after this photo was taken, the damned thing was already broken (next photo below), choking on trash with a trash stuck open on Tuesday night, May 6th. I tried to close it but could not.
According to DevCorp North, "The Mayor's office and the Department of Street and Sanitation purchased 50 Big Bellys to be placed along Michigan Avenue and in Millenium [sic] Park. The Department of Planning and Development is encouraging economic development agencies throughout the city to implement this program. The 49th Ward Street and Sanitation Superintendent Mike Erickson is committed to servicing the four Big Bellys." (Source)
According to EcoMetro, "Other than the argument that these trashcans are ridiculously expensive, Treehugger.com has the best argument against this “solution,” stating the fact that naturally occurring microorganisms in compacted trash do not obtain enough oxygen, and thus work slower to decompose the trash. Treehugger.com suggests that these trashcans should instead be used to compact separated recyclables, reducing service and transportation costs for recycling paper, cans, and plastics." (Full Article...)
I first noticed the removal of standard trash cans on April 19, before Big Belly came to Rogers Park. The trash can in front of the 7-Eleven at N. Sheridan and W. Pratt was missing. I snapped this photo of the spot where it stood for years. The trash can that was at the southeast corner of W. Morse and N. Greenview is also gone (next photo, down).
It is said that fewer trash pickups will be required because Big Belly compacts trash and therefore holds a bigger load. But nobody is saying how often the machinery inside will have to be serviced.
This is dumb, magical thinking on the part of an Alderman who told us all to just ignore that little asbestos problem recently. It is idiocy on the part of DevCorp North and the SSA #24, who are probably more interested in the status of having the Big Bellys than in actually reducing
In the two-block stretch of W. Morse between N. Ashland and N. Glenwood, there are now only two trash cans: One Big Belly and one standard can. Litter, a chronic problem here in Joe Moore's Ghetto, will only increase with the warm weather unless more cans are brought in.
Although Big Bellys are expensive, they are allowing some cities, such as Chicago, to test them at no charge. "The Big Belly trash can company gave 50 solar-powered compacting trash cans to the city as a test run, to show the city how much money it can save with them," writes The Green Beat.
Eventually, however, the trial period will run out and the city will have to put up some green of another kind.
- BigBelly Solar (Corporate Web Site)
- BigBelly’s $4K Solar Powered Trash Compactor: Making Trash Worse ...
- High-tech trash bin uses solar power
- Big Belly solar compactor now squeezes recycling
- 'Big Belly' Arrives, Ready To Eat Trash - Or at Least Crush It ...
What Did Joe Moore Know, And When DId He Know It?
Wow! The "contractor" identified over $1M in code deficiencies, yet this same "contractor" somehow MISSED deadly asbestos pipe wrapping in his walk-through of the North Shore School? READ THE REST OF THE STORY!...
Joe Moore's Lying Lies

Biofuels Worse Than Gasoline
Time Magazine, hardly a right-wing publication, has this report about the stupidity of biofuels and the idiocy of eco-trendiness. They write the following in their March 27 issue:
Propelled by mounting anxieties over soaring oil costs and climate change, biofuels have become the vanguard of the green-tech revolution, the trendy way for politicians and corporations to show they're serious about finding alternative sources of energy and in the process slowing global warming....
But several new studies show the biofuel boom is doing exactly the opposite of what its proponents intended: it's dramatically accelerating global warming, imperiling the planet in the name of saving it. Corn ethanol, always environmentally suspect, turns out to be environmentally disastrous. Even cellulosic ethanol made from switchgrass, which has been promoted by eco-activists and eco-investors as well as by President Bush as the fuel of the future, looks less green than oil-derived gasoline. READ THE FULL STORY...
Canada Free Press on Environmental Extremism
"Environmental extremism must be put in its place in the climate debate" is the headline of the cover story of the Canada Free Press. See, there really is not a consensus, people. Some folks, even in Canada, disagree.
Many people are starting to realize that much of what they’ve been told about climate change by governments, the United Nations and crusading celebrities is simply wrong. Not surprisingly, the assertion that “the science is settled” in a field the public is coming to understand is both immature and quickly evolving, is triggering growing public skepticism. Alarmists respond by upping the ante, making even more extreme and nonsensical forecasts, which in turn further fuels healthy public disbelief. FULL HEATED ARTICLE...
Virus Wiping Out Bees... Maybe
RPB told you so - the mysterious disappearance of thousands of bee colonies all over the U.S., Canada and other part of the world is not due to global warming. Pesticides? Maybe. Mites? Perhaps. But scientists now favor the theory that it's a newly discovered virus. Sorry, Al Gore, you can't use this in your next PowerPoint show.
WASHINGTON - Scientific sleuths have a new suspect for a mysterious affliction that has killed off honeybees by the billions: a virus previously unknown in the United States. The scientists report using a novel genetic technique and old-fashioned statistics to identify Israeli acute paralysis virus as the latest potential culprit in the widespread deaths of worker bees, a phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder. FULL STORY at CHICAGO TRIBUNE...
Great Lake, Great Mystery
Thanks to reader Andy for the headsup on this interesting story about Lake Superior and the changes it is going through. Climate change? Maybe, but scientists are still uncertain what is causing the lowering of the water level and other changes.
Precipitation has tapered off across the upper Great Lakes since the 1970s and is nearly 6 inches below normal in the Superior watershed the past year. Water evaporation rates are up sharply because mild winters have shrunk the winter ice cap - just as climate change computer models predict for the next half-century. FULL STORY...
Honey Bee Crisis: A Global Mystery
An excellent report about the mysterious disappearance of honey bees by science reporter Linda Moulton Howe. This is a problem not only in the United States, by the way. This is happening in other parts of the world, and nobody yet knows the cause or the solution. Here is an excerpt from Linda Moulton Howe's report:
"So far, there are still no answers, but there is a long list of possibilities, which include pesticides and genetically modified crops, also known as GMOs or GMs. Scientists say there is no direct evidence that genetically modified crops are linked to honey bee die-offs. But I have been learning that not much is known about the accumulating impact of pesticides on insects, animals and even people when you consider in this modern world how many combinations of pesticides are used. One pesticide by itself might not destroy honey bees. But what happens when farmers spray herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and rodenticides on land that also has genetically modified crops with pesticides built-in?"
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