Woman Yells "Nigger" Repeatedly On Street Corner, Does Not Apologize

Cracker radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger came under fire this week for actually saying "nigger" during her on-air show on Tuesday, August 10. The far-left organizaion Media Matters posted the audio and a transcript of an exchange between Schlessinger and a caller who claimed to be a Black woman. Schlessinger issued an apology the next day for saying "nigger," but when you listen to the audio and read the transcript you have to wonder if that apology was really necessary. Take this excerpt, for example: CALLER: How about the N-word? So, the N-word's been thrown around -- SCHLESSINGER: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger. CALLER: That isn't -- SCHLESSINGER: I don't get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it's a horrible thing; but when black people say it, it's affectionate. It's very confusing. I was walking down the street yesterday, and like any other day, I encountered Black people calling each other "nigger" or referring to somebody who is not present as "nigger." Here's an example of the exchange that I heard yesterday, which I will translate into Ivoronics for you: "Hey nigger!" the woman shouted to an acquaintance standing across the street. She was, I'd guess, in her mid-20's. She continued, "Nigger, shit! Get your ass over here, nigger!" Her friend, a Black man about the same age, crossed the street. "I was on my way to the motherf*cking clinic, bitch," he said affectionately. "Have you seen Jimmy?" she asked. "I have not seen that nigger in a fortnight," the man responded. "That motherf*cker is not right in his head. Nigger's crazy." Okay, we'll stop there. You get the idea. Neither of the man nor the woman involved in that conversation, nor any of the several people standing within earshot of them, have demanded an apology for saying "nigger" repeatedly. On her show on Tuesday, Schlessinger pointed out that there is hypocrisy when it comes to using the word "nigger." She's right, and she's certainly not the first person to point this out. Another excerpt after these videos (language advisory)...
Here's another excerpt from the show's transcript: CALLER: It's OK to say that word? SCHLESSINGER: It depends how it's said. CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word? SCHLESSINGER: It's -- it depends how it's said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it's OK. CALLER: But you're not black. They're not black. My husband is white. SCHLESSINGER: Oh, I see. So, a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can't do much about that. CALLER: I can't believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the "nigger" word, and I hope everybody heard it. SCHLESSINGER: I didn't spew out the "nigger" word. CALLER: You said, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." SCHLESSINGER: Right, I said that's what you hear. CALLER: Everybody heard it. SCHLESSINGER: Yes, they did. CALLER: I hope everybody heard it. SCHLESSINGER: They did, and I'll say it again -- CALLER: So what makes it OK for you to say the word? SCHLESSINGER: -- nigger, nigger, nigger is what you hear on [HBO] -- Tell me that Schlessinger is wrong. You can't, really, and I suspect that the caller may have been deliberately trying to set Schlessinger up for a gotcha moment. If that's the case, the set up worked. However, the audio and the transcript of the event only show the caller to be hypersensitive, duplicitous and hypocritical about language. In her apology, Schlessinger said "I articulated the N-word all the way out – more than one time... And that was wrong. I’ll say it again – that was wrong.” No, Dr. Schlessinger's cowardly apology and bowing to political correctness is what's wrong. By the way, I apologize for calling Dr. Schlessinger a "cracker."