Showing posts with label voter fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voter fraud. Show all posts

500 Election Judges Needed NOW in Cook County IL (But Last-Minute Alarm May Be Too Late)

Sharon Meroni - Photo credit: unknown*
Sept. 26, 2012 - Sharon Meroni urgently needs your help to fight voter fraud in Illinois, but to be honest I fear that the effort to help her is too little and far too late. "This could actually end up being the biggest story of the 2012 elections," wrote HillBuzz on Monday, "but it’s hard to get conservative writers to focus on anything in Illinois, since the past incompetence of the GOP in our state has made it something of a laughingstock nationally."

I received a group email to bloggers urging us all to write about this and to encourage other bloggers to write about it. The email was simply a link to a post at HillBuzz. Trouble is, the email was not sent until yesterday evening (on Sept. 25), and they are asking for 500 election judges "by this coming Thursday." Alrighty then...

Republican Election Judges Needed to Fight Democrat Voter Fraud

With a current shortage of Republican Election Judges, the Dems will try to steal votes yet again. Democrats love to steal elections. It's historical fact. Heck, it's an ongoing bad joke in Chicago and other big cities: Dead people voting as registered Democrats, Republicans mysteriously showing up on voter lists as Democrats or Independents, illegal aliens voting, and so on. We still wondering where a ballot box disappeared to in the April, 2007 aldermanic run-off election in Chicago's 49th Ward - and what Alderman Joe Moore's goons did with it for several hours before it reappeared without explanation. With all of that in mind, the following message from the Chicago Republican Party is especially important: A desperate Chicago Democrat Machine will be down to its last ditch strategy: steal the election in Cook County. But YOU can help stop them! Your Republican Party in Chicago and suburban Cook is very short of Election Judges for polling places on Election Day, November 2, 2010. If these positions are not filled by “real” Republicans by next Monday, September 20, 2010, the Republican Judge slots will be filled at random by those applying over the counter at the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners and the Cook County Clerk’s office. These people are not required to be actual Republicans, and few if any will be. Any remaining slots in the City will be filled by Chicago Aldermen for the respective Wards. You can count on those “Republican” judges to be Democrat hacks.

Hold on a minute: That bit about fake "Republican" judges is true. On July 14, 2010, Canada Free Press wrote that "American Thinker published an article by Lee Cary about an interview with a Chicago political machine insider. It contained the following warning: 'In Chicago, the Precinct Captains watch to see who votes and who doesn’t. Then, at the end of the day, others will cast votes for those who haven’t shown up to vote, all under the direction of the Precinct Captain. If the actual voter shows up later, they’re given someone else’s card. The Republican poll watchers don’t stop this. Hell, most of them are actually Democrats'."

Allegations that Ald. Moore's campaign committee committed ballot fraud, mail fraud and bribery still float around Chicago. Local bloggers published a picture of Moore standing right next to a person as they were voting in 2007 (photo, left), a clear violation of election law. Moore is hardly the only Democrat in Chicago who plays dirty.

[Back to the Chicago Republican Party message:] Can you serve as an Election Judge in your neighborhood on November 2, to change Illinois forever for the better? Judges of Election conduct the voting in their precinct. Every candidate on the ballot, and every voter in the state, depends on you to do your job well. It is a long day, from about 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., but you earn $125 from the government, and more If you receive official training. The greatest satisfaction is a country served, a community protected from fraud and a republic finally moving in the right direction. If you can serve, or would like to hear more, please contact us at, or call Peter Bella, Executive Director of the Chicago Republican Party at 773-235-9467. Thank you! Eloise Gerson Chicago Republican Party - Chairman RELATED MUST-READS: What the Dems Know: Universal Voter Registration American Thinker 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago Heritage Foundation How to Prevent Voter Fraud: Advice from a former Chicago “Machine” Worker Uncoverage Democrat Voter Fraud is Far More Widespread Than You Think Canada Free Press Voter Fraud In Massachusetts: Democrats caught passing out absentee ballots today to rig vote for Coakley HillBuzz Could Non-Citizens Steal An Election? Illinois Review Democrats 'plan to steal the vote' World Net Daily Getting Out The Vote, Democrat Style American Chronicle Widespread Democrat Voter Fraud by ACORN UrbanGrounds Wisconsin and the Voter Fraud Agenda Wall Street Journal Online ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud Daily Caller

Two Ald. Berny Stone Political Workers Guilty Of Ballot Tampering

June 24, 2010 - Chicago - Two former 50th Ward campaign workers were found guilty of "multiple Class A misdemeanor counts of attempted mutilation of voting materials and attempted absentee ballot violations" today. The charges came from violations committed during the the hotly contested 2007 aldermanic race between Stone, Greg Brewer, Naisy Dolar and Salman Aftab in West Ridge/East Rogers Park.

"A Cook County judge handed down guilty verdicts in the bench trial of two political workers for Ald. Berny Stone on charges that they had allegedly tampered with absentee ballots stemming from the 2007 aldermanic race in the 50th Ward," reports Lake Effect News (LEN) this afternoon.

On November 9, 2009 Chicago Breaking News reported that "Prosecutors said Anish Eapen, a precinct captain for Ald. Bernard Stone, 50th, and the ward's Streets and Sanitation superintendent, flashed his work badge and made it clear to voters that they could benefit if they chose his candidate."

According to LEN, "Anish Eapen, the former ward Streets and Sanitation superintendent, and Armando Ramos, a paid campaign worker for Stone’s political campaign committee, were both found guilty of multiple Class A misdemeanor counts of attempted mutilation of voting materials and attempted absentee ballot violations, " and "Both men were facing more serious felony charges that they had engineered absentee ballots of mostly immigrant voters in the 50th Ward favoring Stone. Stone was not charged with any wrongdoing. Eapen and Ramos face up to one year of jail time, two years of probation, fines or a combination of all three." More at Lake Effect News...

An earlier report by LEN said that Salman Aftab (photo) triggered the 50th Ward vote fraud investigation that led to today's verdicts against Eapen and Ramos. Aftab waged a very bitter campaign against Stone, which included personal attacks. Aftab lost in the February 27 general election, but on March 27, 2007 he gleefully announced his support for Alderman Stone in the pending April 17 run-off against Naisy Dolar. Aftab, who took only 5.2% of the ward's vote in February, said, "My community insisted that I endorse Ald. Stone and I'm doing what my community says," Aftab said. By "my community," Aftab was referring to the large Indian and Pakistani community of West Ridge. (Source: Chicago Tribune/Clout Street)

Stone won the April 2007 aldermanic run-off election with 52.93% 5,965 votes (52.93%). Challenger Naisy Dolar received 5,304 votes (47.07%). Source: AlderTrack

Aftab triggering that vote fraud investigation against two of Stone's political workers. Although it's a good thing that fraud was brought to the attention of the authorities.

Aftab was an early supporter of Barack Obama and of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL9). He was an acquaintance of Salman Ibrahim, former head of Sunrise Equities, the Chicago sharia finance company that defrauded many dozens of investors in 2008. (There is no reason to believe that Aftab was connected in any way to the Sunrise Equities scandal.) Sunrise Equities gave Obama office space for his 2004 U.S. Senate campaign. There was a private ribbon cutting ceremony for that office space, and you can see Aftab in the photos of that event. Alderman Berny Stone was also present at the ceremony. You can see the photos here and here.

Naisy calls Berny out for his "Friends in low places" Dolar campaign video
Jan Schakowsky endorses Naisy Dolar on 4.4.07 Dolar campaign video
Obama Connected To Sunrise Equities Scandal, Part One" CNB
Obama's Connections to Sunrise Equities, Part Two CNB

Ed Schultz Urges Voter Fraud for Massachusetts

MSNBC host and Liberal imbecilie Ed Schultz told his listeners that he would vote ten times in next Tuesday's special U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts (see video below). That's where Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley are in a very tight race for the seat that Ted Kennedy held until he died. Brown's campaign could fill that seat with a Republican, and that has Liberals and Democrats freaking out, worried that "Teddy's Senate seat" might be "taken" by those nasty conservatives. They're so worried, apparently, that dopes like Schultz would commit voter fraud to prevent the people from electing the candidate of their choice - and their choice could be a Republican. "I'd cheat to keep these bastards out," said Schultz. Hear him say that in the first video below. In the second video below, Schultz loses his mind over the prospect of Scott Brown "derailing" health care reform. If elected, Brown would become the 41st conservative vote in the Senate, enough to keep the Senate Dems from further violating the U.S. Constitution and plunging the nation deeper into socialism.
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ACORN Whistleblower Testifies in Court!

Obama continues to lie about his ties to the criminal organization called ACORN. Now, however, former ACORN employees are speaking out. A troubling report in yesterday's Wall Street Journal goes deep. An excerpt: The FBI is investigating its voter registration efforts in several states, amid allegations that almost a third of the 1.3 million cards it turned in are invalid. And yesterday [Oct. 29], a former employee of Acorn testified in a Pennsylvania state court that the group's quality-control efforts were "minimal or nonexistent" and largely window dressing. Anita MonCrief also says that Acorn was given lists of potential donors by several Democratic presidential campaigns, including that of Barack Obama, to troll for contributions. Yipes. To those of us familiar with Chicago style politics, this stuff is expected from our local politicians. Barack Obama is, it should be remembered, a product of the Chicago Machine's socialist-communist wing. In other words, take the corruption of the Chicago scene and mix it with black revolutionary theology, and you get Barack Obama. Obama, you may recall, denies knowledge of things as well as Mayor Richard Daley does. To listen to Obama, you'd think he knew nothing about ACORN. That's not what ACORN workers say, however: The Obama campaign denies it "has any ties" to Acorn, but Mr. Obama's ties are extensive. In 1992 he headed a registration effort for Project Vote, an Acorn partner at the time. He did so well that he was made a top trainer for Acorn's Chicago conferences. In 1995, he represented Acorn in a key case upholding the constitutionality of the new Motor Voter Act -- the first law passed by the Clinton administration -- which created the mandated, nationwide postcard voter registration system that Acorn workers are using to flood election offices with bogus registrations. So much for not having ties to ACORN. What did Ms. MonCrief have to say? Ms. MonCrief testified that in November 2007 Project Vote development director Karyn Gillette told her she had direct contact with the Obama campaign and had obtained their donor lists. Ms. MonCrief also testified she was given a spreadsheet to use in cultivating Obama donors who had maxed out on donations to the candidate, but who could contribute to voter registration efforts. Project Vote calls the allegation "absolutely false." Liar, liar, Barack on fire. If enough people vote for him next week, though, we all get burned. RELATED: Obama: ACORN Will "Shape Agenda" ACORN's Tradition

Video: "Non-Partisan" ACORN Endorses Obama!

ACORN, accused of (and guilty of) so much voter registration fraud and other abuses over the years, claims to be non-partisan. They are a non-profit organization, and by law they cannot endorse candidates. So, it's bizarre (but not surprising( that ACORN Chief Organizer Bertha Lewis endorsing Barack Obama - on video! Watch for yourself. To my Democrat friends: How do you spin this one? Here's what Lewis said, followed by the video: BERTHA LEWIS: This is Bertha Lewis, chief organizer of ACORN, I want to thank everyone out there for defending ACORN against the perilous right-wing attacks and smears. That will teach them to attack a community organizer. And if you live in New York, there is one more simple thing that you can all do to help ACORN. Vote for the community organizer, Barack Obama, on the Working Families Party ballot line. Its row E on the ballot. E for the economy. Voting for Barack is good, but voting for him on the Working Families Party line is better. Vote change like you mean it people.

Obama: ACORN Will "Shape Agenda"

Barack Obama plays down his relationship with ACORN, the non-profit, "non-partisan" group (not!) that is guilty (yes, I said guilty) of massive voter fraud and other illegal activities over the course of many years. Don't believe me? Watch the video below, titled "Obama Speaks to ACORN Community Organizers." The Obamessiah Himself tells ACORN that they will "help us shape the agenda" of his presidency. Later in the video, Lou Dobbs (CNN) details voter registration abuses by ACORN, then Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam) calls Obama the Messiah. Are YOU going to vote for an ACORN Administration?

FLASH: California Early Voting "Way Off"

This election is sooooooooo gonna be screwed up. I'm already preparing for a very long Election Night. Between the ACORN-style, outright voter fraud and crazy stuff like what's happening with early voting in California - and elsewhere - we might not know the true results of the 2008 Election until sometime in, oh, say, 2012. Of course, that's the end of the Mayan Calendar and we're all gonna die then. No, wait, according to Al Gore we only have, what, like three more years before we all burn up? Gad, I can't keep up with it all. Fortunately, Doug Ross @ Journal sleeps even less than I do, apparently. He posted about the insane numbers coming out of California's early voting. "Ignore the pundits," writes Doug, "Forget the polls....The results in California show the wisdom of Yogi Berra who said, 'It's not over until it's over.'" Yogi Berra didn't have to contend with ACORN and Democrat precinct captains, however.


THE BEST blogging about the current OBAMA-ACORN scandal that I've found is at MassDiscussion, a blog out of Ohio. In Ohio today, and in about 20 other states, states attorneys general and federal investigators are frantically sifting out thousands of duplicate and tainted voter registration forms. ACORN, one of the most corrupt organizations ever, is tied tightly to Obama. MassDiscussion has a lot of info, including this today from Not only did Barack Obama's presidential campaign pay more than U.S. $800,000 to a front of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform, Now, ACORN, currently under investigation in a dozen States for voter registration fraud and bribery schemes, for “get-out-the-vote-efforts”; Obama co-sponsored legislation called the “Helping Families Save their Homes in Bankruptcy Act of 2007”-- that was supported by ACORN and protects them. FULL STORY at Canadian Free Press...

ACORN Cartoon

Click for larger image

ACORN Hit With RICO Action Today

Hell yah! Obama's buddies are in trouble. Big, really serious trouble. Will Democrats care that their false messiah is up to his neck in this? ओबामा इस थे डेविल FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Maurice Thompson, (614) 224-4422 Tuesday, October 14, 2008 BUCKEYE INSTITUTE FILES STATE RICO ACTION AGAINST ACORN Think Tank Represents Two Warren County Voters COLUMBUS – The Buckeye Institute, a Columbus-based think tank, today filed a state RICO action against the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) on behalf of two Warren County voters. The action filed in Warren County Court of Common Pleas alleges ACORN has engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity that amounts to organized crime. It seeks ACORN’s dissolution as a legal entity, the revocation of any licenses in Ohio, and an injunction against fraudulent voter registration and other illegal activities. READ THE FULL PRESS RELEASE at STIX BLOG...

ACORN Association: Liberals Afraid to Watch this Video!

LIBERALS ARE TOO AFRAID OF THE TRUTH TO WATCH THIS VIDEO about Barack Obama and his long, tight relationship with corrupt ACORN!

Obama Using Economic Crisis as Cover

It would make a good drinking game. 

Every time you hear Barack Obama or one of his sycophants tell us that "times are too serious for petty attacks," you can swallow another shot of Kool-Aid. The Democrats are frantically trying to distract you, telling you that the only thing you should pay attention to right now is the economic problems. Granted, those are very serious. But they are not the only issues on the table, nor are they the only things we should be concerned about. We can, to use an old phrase, walk and chew gum at the same time.

But Obama and his Democrat allies don't want you to. They are using the very crisis that they created through mismanagement, abuse and outright encouragement as a shield, behind which they are trying to hide Obama's strong ties to the voter fraud machine ACORN (Obama with ACORN staffers, photo), Obama's strong ties to unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Obama's next-to-nothing record as a legislator, Obama's strong ties to convicted felon Tony Rezko, and so much more.

For example: "This is not a time for ideology – it’s a time for common sense and a politics of pragmatism," he said this morning..." (Source:, 10/10/08) Okay, but is it not a fair question to ask what kind of ideology will be applied to the current economic crisis? Is it not fair to ask whether we want a Marxist to apply a socialist-communist approach to the U.S. economy?

For Obama to say that this is "not a time for ideology" is not only an insult to intelligent people, it is flat out wrong. The type of ideology that the next president brings to the table will directly affect the approach to the economy, because it will be the determining factor in deciding how to approach it. Ideology is inescapable.

A Marxist, such as Obama, will take a very different approach than a capitalist such as McCain. Most of the Mainstream Media, of course, helps to cover this up. 

Read "Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines" at American Thinker Here's an excerpt:
Being on the left entails many strange contradictions and political pathologies, one of which is this bizarre revulsion toward anti-communists. These leftists -- to their credit -- despise fascism, and will preach anti-fascism until they're blue in the face. They are as appalled by fascism as conservatives are by communism. But while conservatives detest both communism and fascism, liberals only detest one of the two. 
Refute that, Liberals, if you can. I bet you can't.

The Union Leader - Obama's associates: Imagine if they were McCain's. Dems, rightly, would be screaming about it. As it is, Dems are bending over backwards to cover up the filth in Obama's past and current circles of influence. Corruption? It's okay if they do it.

Meanwhile, the Obama Machine has been busy for over a year scrubbing the web to get rid of damaging information.

An important article in the Cleveland Leader today notes this:
While Barack Obama's connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has not gone entirely unreported, it has not been fully explained. Most media background pieces simply note Obama's involvement in a 1995 lawsuit on behalf of ACORN. Obama's own website, as well as most major media, fail to reveal the full depth and extent of his relationship with the organization. Attempts to hide evidence of Obama's involvement with ACORN have included wiping the web clean of potentially damaging articles that had appeared, and were previously publicly accessible. Unfortunately, those behind the attempted cover-up failed to realize that in today's day and age, nothing disappears forever. There also exists another layer of the web, the hidden web, which is full of information included in proprietary scholarly databases where these very same "missing" articles can be easily uncovered. Full article at Cleveland Leader 
The Obama Machine tells us to just look at the big face projected on the far wall. Ignore the man behind the green curtain. More accurately, they want you to ignore a whole slew of men - corrupt, dishonest men - behind a massive green curtain. Correction: A red curtain.

Barack Obama himself recently chastised John McCain for not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time, a petty and stupid remark about McCain's "suspension" of his campaign to rush back to D.C. to deal the then-pending bailout legislation. Obama, as we all know, then copied McCain's rush to D.C., all the while hypocritically continuing the walking-chewing nonsense.

That bailout was meant to fix the economic crisis that was ignited primarily by the federally mandated soft loans to the massive subprime market. Millions of home loans were given to people who could not afford them, doing them no favor, doing the lending institutions no favor, and doing the taxpayers no favor.

While Republicans warned both houses of Congress repeatedly and for years, including John McCain, that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were a ticking time bomb, Obama did nothing in his brief term in the Senate. His Democrat allies scoffed at the warnings. Names like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and others come to mind. Obama is the second-largest recipient of campaign donations from Fannie and Freddie, and some of Obama's top advisors were employed by Fannie and took multi-million dollar bonuses. Names such as Raines, Gorelick and Johnson come to mind. (See: Obama, ACORN, and the Financial Crisis)

You need to research this stuff for yourself. If you truly consider yourself to be fair-minded, open-minded, and intelligent, you should be aware of these things by now.

If not, look into these issues. Don't ignore the economic crisis, but don't ignore the criminal associations of Barack Obama and his campaign.

Don't ignore the fact that Obama is known to adhere to Marxist principles and has been tutored over the years by Look it up. Don't allow Obama to pull the wool over your eyes. You can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Marxists, revolutionaries, America haters, and criminals. Don't take my word for it.


THERE IS A MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD INVESTIGATION currently happening in more than 20 states. The target in every case: ACORN. That's "the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now." 

Barack Obama has a long and close friendship with ACORN. And yes, that matters. ACORN was very influential with Congressional Democrats who encouraged the subprime loans mess that triggered the battering that the US economy is now struggling through.

REFORM?!? Why is it that far Left organizations love benign words such as "reform," when their purpose is anything but? ACORN, corrupt and dirty, is not reformist, any more than the People's Democratic Republic of China is democratic or a true republic. 

ACORN is up to its collective neck in fraud and criminal activity. They've even admitted that the problem is so bad that they cannot control it. ACORN is a favored organization of the Democrat Party. Why? Simple: ACORN always backs Democrats, from discredited city council members such as Chicago's Joe Moore to president candidate Barack Obama. 

ACORN is the Cultural Gutter of Political Corruption. ACORN has been corrupt for many years. The Bench reported on it when ACORN helped Chicago's 49th Ward Alderman Moore steal his reelection in 2007. Michelle Malkin reported on it in July 2007 in a post titled "ACORN falls again: The worst case of voter-registration fraud in Washington state history." The "worst case" of voter fraud in history that Malkin wrote about over a year ago pales in comparison with what is coming out about ACORN's dishonest dealings even at this moment. 

The Mainstream Media, of course, is doing its best to keep this mess quiet. This mess, however, is too big now to hide, no matter how much the rag of a newspaper in Janesville, Wisconsin or the New York Times tries. 

Talk show host Jerry Agar of WLS 890 AM notes on his blog that ACORN is one of the roots of the current economic crisis in a post titled "Obama, Acorn and the Housing Bust." Agar notes that "For the majority of the media it is too easy to just brush the story aside by casually blaming deregulation, thus doing the public relations work the Obama campaign needs done." 

You may be thinking that the current economic woes are more important than ACORN. 

According to Stanley Kurtz, "[Prominent Chicago ACORN activist Madeline] Talbott continued her effort to, as she put it, drag banks "kicking and screaming" into high-risk loans. A September 1993 story in The Chicago Sun-Times presents her as the leader of an initiative in which five area financial institutions (including two of her former targets, now plainly cowed - Bell Federal Savings and Avondale Federal Savings) were "participating in a $55 million national pilot program with affordable-housing group ACORN to make mortgages for low- and moderate-income people with troubled credit histories." MORE at Weekly Standard... 

Obama once paid ACORN $800,000 to register voters. There's more. 

"Obama worked as executive director of ACORN's voter-registration arm, Project Vote, in 1992," reports Investors Business Daily. "Joined by two other community organizers on Chicago's South Side, Obama conducted the voter-registration drive that helped elect Carol Moseley-Braun to the Senate that year." Do your own research. Just do a Google search for "obama acorn ties." 

Stealing the Vote

Frightening statistics for you to chew on as we get closer to the Presidential Election. Hans A. von Spakovsky writes this in National Review: Amid all the talk of new voters becoming involved in the election, hopefully one group of voters will not vote in November — non-citizens, many of whom are illegally registered to vote all over the country, particularly in the southwest. Although there is no reliable method to determine the exact number registered aliens, there is evidence that this is a significant and growing problem. This, of course, is just fine with Democrats, who hope (correctly) that the majority of illegal aliens will vote for them. von Spakovsky cites Chicago as an example of this huge problem: After a grand-jury investigation of the 1982 Illinois governor’s race resulted in the conviction of aliens for illegally registering and voting, the U.S. Attorney estimated that there were 80,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Chicago. In 1985, the district director of the Immigration and Naturalization Services testified in the Illinois legislature that 25,000 illegal and 40,000 legal aliens remained registered in Chicago. The grand jury found that aliens registered so they could “obtain documents identifying them as U.S. citizens” and had used their voter registration cards “to obtain a myriad of benefits, from social security to jobs with the Defense Department.” .... Similar accounts from other states such as Utah and Arizona demonstrate that this is a widespread phenomena. FULL ARTICLE... Remember, they're just here to work.


YES! The U.S. Supreme Court did something that lately is unusual - it made a good decision that favors common sense. In essence, the Court said that requiring a photo I.D. to vote is not racist, no more so than requiring one to purchase cigarettes or booze. The United States Supreme Court Monday upheld Indiana's law requiring voters to show state-issued photo identification. It's being called the biggest court decision affecting politics since Bush versus Gore in 2000. FULL ARTICLE at WBIR.COM... I guess this means we'll have to beef up the poll watchers in Sanctuary City Chicago, where Democrats just love having illegal aliens vote. You paying attention to this, Rogers Park V.O.T.E.R.? How 'bout YOU, David Fagus?

You Can Pick Your Nose...

...and David Fagus can pick your election judges in the Wacky 49th Ward of Chicago. See, he's the 49th Ward Democrat Committeeman. What did Fagus know about the "magic pens," and when did he know it?

When voters questioned why the "pens" weren't showing up on their ballots, one of the election judges told them that it was "invisible ink," Chicago Election Board spokesman Jim Allen said.

Allen said he has since been fielding calls from national media, asking about the "invisible ink" pens in the 49th ward.

"It was the only precinct out of the 2,579 precincts in the city where we saw this come up," Allen said. "Who is picking these (election) judges?" FULL STORY at Chicago Journal...

Democratic Party - 49th Ward: David Fagus, Your Democrat Committeeman
Todd Stroger Turns It On!
The Bench: Flaming Fagus

Voting in the 49th Ward is Fun

RPKelly has left a new comment on your post "The 49th Mental Ward of Chicago": Honestly, Tom, I think you're being kind of a jerk here. Amy DID question authority. She DID fight back. She made a huge ruckus over the stupidity of this situation. She drew attention to the idiocy and got the problem fixed. The poll workers were the morons, not Amy. Might I suggest that if she had been casting her vote for Mitt Romney rather than Barack Obama, you'd be taking a different approach to this story? Response: I don't care who she voted for, that's really not a factor. Here's what Amy told the Chicago Tribune on Feb. 5: "I'm incredibly angry, and I feel so dumb," said Amy Carlton, 38, of Rogers Park. "And I am not a dumb person." Now, if Amy really DID question and fight authority, but fell for the bizarre explanation anyway, then she actually IS a dumb person. The Trib quotes continued: "Carlton said all the judges at the polling place insisted that they had been trained in the use of the 'magic' pens." So, after the judges TOLD HER that they had been trained for, as she quoted them, "magic pens," she voted with one anyway? O-mi-god. The fun continues in the Trib article: "I've voted before," Carlton said. "I was thinking, 'This is crazy,' but when someone in authority insists, what are you supposed to do?" Okay, she initially said something akin to, "Really? This pen will really, really work?" And a judge said something akin to, "Why yes! You see, Amy, it's a MAGIC pen! It'll work just fine!" I'm not sure where the fighting authority aspect comes in to play, however. But telling us that Amy "drew attention to the idiocy" is a bit like saying that someone who walked in front of a speeding bus has drawn attention to a dangerous intersection. The poll workers may indeed have been morons. But those morons convinced Amy to use a "magic pen" to cast her vote.