Republican Election Judges Needed to Fight Democrat Voter Fraud

With a current shortage of Republican Election Judges, the Dems will try to steal votes yet again. Democrats love to steal elections. It's historical fact. Heck, it's an ongoing bad joke in Chicago and other big cities: Dead people voting as registered Democrats, Republicans mysteriously showing up on voter lists as Democrats or Independents, illegal aliens voting, and so on. We still wondering where a ballot box disappeared to in the April, 2007 aldermanic run-off election in Chicago's 49th Ward - and what Alderman Joe Moore's goons did with it for several hours before it reappeared without explanation. With all of that in mind, the following message from the Chicago Republican Party is especially important: A desperate Chicago Democrat Machine will be down to its last ditch strategy: steal the election in Cook County. But YOU can help stop them! Your Republican Party in Chicago and suburban Cook is very short of Election Judges for polling places on Election Day, November 2, 2010. If these positions are not filled by “real” Republicans by next Monday, September 20, 2010, the Republican Judge slots will be filled at random by those applying over the counter at the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners and the Cook County Clerk’s office. These people are not required to be actual Republicans, and few if any will be. Any remaining slots in the City will be filled by Chicago Aldermen for the respective Wards. You can count on those “Republican” judges to be Democrat hacks.

Hold on a minute: That bit about fake "Republican" judges is true. On July 14, 2010, Canada Free Press wrote that "American Thinker published an article by Lee Cary about an interview with a Chicago political machine insider. It contained the following warning: 'In Chicago, the Precinct Captains watch to see who votes and who doesn’t. Then, at the end of the day, others will cast votes for those who haven’t shown up to vote, all under the direction of the Precinct Captain. If the actual voter shows up later, they’re given someone else’s card. The Republican poll watchers don’t stop this. Hell, most of them are actually Democrats'."

Allegations that Ald. Moore's campaign committee committed ballot fraud, mail fraud and bribery still float around Chicago. Local bloggers published a picture of Moore standing right next to a person as they were voting in 2007 (photo, left), a clear violation of election law. Moore is hardly the only Democrat in Chicago who plays dirty.

[Back to the Chicago Republican Party message:] Can you serve as an Election Judge in your neighborhood on November 2, to change Illinois forever for the better? Judges of Election conduct the voting in their precinct. Every candidate on the ballot, and every voter in the state, depends on you to do your job well. It is a long day, from about 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., but you earn $125 from the government, and more If you receive official training. The greatest satisfaction is a country served, a community protected from fraud and a republic finally moving in the right direction. If you can serve, or would like to hear more, please contact us at, or call Peter Bella, Executive Director of the Chicago Republican Party at 773-235-9467. Thank you! Eloise Gerson Chicago Republican Party - Chairman RELATED MUST-READS: What the Dems Know: Universal Voter Registration American Thinker 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago Heritage Foundation How to Prevent Voter Fraud: Advice from a former Chicago “Machine” Worker Uncoverage Democrat Voter Fraud is Far More Widespread Than You Think Canada Free Press Voter Fraud In Massachusetts: Democrats caught passing out absentee ballots today to rig vote for Coakley HillBuzz Could Non-Citizens Steal An Election? Illinois Review Democrats 'plan to steal the vote' World Net Daily Getting Out The Vote, Democrat Style American Chronicle Widespread Democrat Voter Fraud by ACORN UrbanGrounds Wisconsin and the Voter Fraud Agenda Wall Street Journal Online ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud Daily Caller