Showing posts with label Illinois Supreme Court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illinois Supreme Court. Show all posts

Illinois Supreme Court Gets Horse Heads From Rahm Emanuel

January 25, 2011 - Chicago - What a difference a day makes. Yesterday morning, Rahm Emanuel was removed from Chicago's mayoral primary ballot. That was due to a ruling by the Illinois Appellate Court, which said that ballots must be printed without his name. Late this morning, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that Rahm's name must remain on the ballot. Heads are spinning. "Looks like Illinois Supreme Court justices finally received their horse heads," wrote "Fector" on Twitter. Or, maybe, the justices each got a dead fish in their mailbox. The Chicago Sun-Times reports today that the IL Supreme Court "has not decided whether to hear Emanuel’s appeal of Monday’s Illinois Appellate Court ruling that tossed him out of the race to replace Mayor Daley. But the Supreme Court granted Emanuel’s motion for a stay of the ruling." Huh? The Appellate Court made a legitimate ruling but the Springfield Supremes just overturned it without even hearing the case for themselves. Granted, they just said that they will hear the case, but why not let the Appellate Court's ruling stand until the Supreme Court hears it? (Does this smell bad to you, too?) This, and a hundred other things, have only convinced me that my profound and deepening dislike of Illinois is justified.

Tainted Evidence

Thomas J. Westgard
Attorney Tom Westgard keeps renaming his shameful blog in sporadic fits of paranoid identity crises. Those are always coupled with a purging of all previous postings. It's almost as though he had a sense of shame, but having none, his reasons remain a mystery.

"I have had an ongoing inclination to change the name of the blog, especially since the url was a historical thing that no longer made sense. So, starting today, the Rogers Park Rake has become Mountain of Evidence.Other than that, not much has changed (or should change, anyway). If I did it right, everything will transfer over seamlessly. With any luck there won't be too many exceptions to that rule." ~ October 20, 2008 (Source)

From "Rogers Park Rake" to "Mountains of Evidence" to "Molehills of Evidence" and back to "Mountains of Evidence," all within a 6-month period. Hmmm. Too many exceptions to the self-imposed rule?

Formerly called "Rogers Park Rake," looking up Rogers Park Rake on Technorati leads you to "Mountain of Evidence." In October 2008, the blog's author (Thomas J. Westgard, Atty.) deleted most of his past posts and changed the format and name, but still concentrates on supporting Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) and slandering the editor of the News-Star. He is currently one of three partners/editor of The Urban Coaster, a socialist propaganda tabloid in Rogers Park.

The URL of the now defunct "Rogers Park Rake" was A Google search for that URL produces this hit:

Molehills of Evidence (formerly Mountains of Evidence) Molehills of Evidence (formerly Mountains of Evidence). If there were a deep truth in the idea that difference is insurmountable, our community would - 82k - Cached - Similar pages 

With any luck there will be another name change soon.

Also See: Profile for site: "Writing Off Tom Westgard"

Note to Mr. Westgard: You should really update your address with the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) of the Supreme Court of Illinois. They think you're still at 6970 N Sheridan Rd #C Chicago, IL 60626-3560, when in fact that storefront address was vacated in mid-late October, 2008, which we confirmed by sight and by a call to the building's management. Uhm, you might also want to put the correct address on this website, too. And this one.

Ask Supreme Court to Remove Joe Moore, Too

How is Governor Rod Blagojevich different from Alderman Joe Moore (Chicago, 49th Ward)? Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan (Democrat) today asked the state's Supreme Court to prevent Governor Blagojevich from doing virtually any of the important functions of his office. Madigan wants to "make sure the people of Illinois have a governor who can legitimately fulfill the duties of that office." Blago has been charged by federal authorities with seeking cash in exchange for naming someone to Barack Obama's vacated US Senate seat. Keep in mind, however, that Blago has not been found guilty of anything. The case, still forming, has not even gone to court yet. In other words, Madigan acted against Blago because she believes he is guilty of corruption and because she feels that Blago cannot carry out his duties properly. She believes that the charges against Blago are so ugly that Blago should, in effect, be removed from office, if only temporarily. The feds have audio recordings of Blago and his top aides squeezing people for money in exchange for political favors. 49th Ward bloggers have published a photo of Joe Moore violating election law, shaking the hand of somebody while they are voting. Madigan believes Blagojevich is not capable of performing his duties. Residents of the 49th Ward know and see everyday that Moore is incapable of even getting a pile of gravel picked up. That pile of gravel has been partially obstructing a bus stop for nearly two years now. Madigan believes that charges against Blago are "severe," and so she is acting fast to contain the Governor. 49th Ward residents have severe charges against Moore, which include leaning on local developers for campaign donations, and more. Moore and Blagojevich are both Democrats. They are both cogs in the same Machine. They both engage, allegedly, in "pay to play" politics. Both have backers and promoters who are criminal scum, not the least of which is Robert Creamer, convicted felon husband of Cong. Jan Schakowsky, another Democrat. Madigan, and nearly every other Democrat in Illinois, is suddenly an avenging angel, surprised and shocked that Blago engaged in activities common to Illinois and Chicago political life. They are merely covering their asses, or trying to anyway, in a vain attempt to fool Illinoisans that they themselves are pure and never engage in such loathsome behavior. We know better, and we'd like to know why Madigan et al waited so damned long to this. We'd also like to know when she will ask the Supreme Court to remove the likes of Alderman Moore from their offices. Madigan says that Blago can no longer perform his duties "with any legitimacy." Last time we checked, Blago has not been charged with stealing an election. At least half the residents of the 49th Ward believe that Joe Moore stole his re-election in February, 2007. While we're at it, we'd like to know when federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will put handcuffs on Mr. Moore. RELATED: The Bench: Alderman Joe Moore's Pile joe moore's shameful campaign contribution Joe Moore's Dead-Beat Dad Money ~ The Bench The Bench: URGENT: Investigation of Joe Moore The Bench: Joe Moore's Fat Cat Developer Donors The Bench: President Obama's Impact on the 49th Ward


UPDATE 2X: Illinois AG asksh high court to declare gov. unfit (AP) FROM PRESS CONFERENCE, EARLIER: LISA MADIGAN ASKED SUPREME COURT TO PREVENT BLAGOJEVICH FROM MAKING DISBURSEMENTS OF STATE FUNDS. ASKS FOR LT. GOV. QUINN TO TAKE OVER. MOTION TO DECLARE BLAGOJEVICH UNFIT TO ACT AS GOVERNOR. THE COURT HAS DISCRETION TO HEAR THE MOTION OR NOT. MADIGAN ENCOURAGES STATE LEGISLATURE TO IMPEACH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE; SAYS HER LEGAL MOTION WILL NOT REPLACE NEED TO IMPEACH. Earlier: Atty. General Lisa Madigan (D-IL) has asked the Illinois Supreme Court this morning to prevent Governor Blagojevich from appointing a successor to Obama's old Senate seat and to allow Lt. Gov. Patrick Quinn to assume the duties of running the state. Madigan is having a press conference as this is written. MORE: News Summary for December 11, 2008 Illinois AG asks high court to declare gov. unfit Madigan launches legal attack to oust Blagojevich Calls to impeach embattled Illinois governor grow