URGENT: Investigation of Joe Moore

From: Donald Gordon Subject: Contested 49th Ward Election Results Investigation Help Needed! Well... Here we go!!!! Beginning Wednesday, July 11th, we'll be investigating (Discovery) the results of the April 17th run-off election. Our time frames are short and notice for when volunteers are needed, unfortunately, will be short as well. However, this is an exciting, once-in-a-lifetime chance to volunteer for a rare challenge to a Chicago aldermanic election! You'll also have an opportunity to work with a legend in Chicago elections - Michael Lavelle - the senior partner in the law firm of Lavelle & Motta, Ltd. and the lead lawyer in our lawsuit. He has been Chairman of the Illinois State Board of Elections and most notably, Chairman of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. His firm's practice includes constitutional law and election law. Next week will present an opportunity to be a part of this volunteer team that will do voting records examination at the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners' office. You'll have an opportunity to actually examine individual voter ballot applications and the Board's election records. This is the first of multiple phases of investigation that will be conducted over the next couple weeks, preceding a July 20th status hearing for our case. For the records examination we'll need a number of people for a one or two day period. On Wednesday we'll need at least 6 volunteers who can be trained as team leaders and be available on Thursday as well. The training will start at 11am on Wednesday the 11th. At 1:00 pm that afternoon, we'll go to the Board of Election Commissioners office to start the record examination and will do 3 precincts. At 9:30am on Thursday, July 12, we'll need a least 12 volunteers (minimally, the 6 we trained on July 11 and 6 new ones). They will start on 6 precincts and continue until the 22 precincts enumerated in the challenge are completed. Since 3 precincts will be completed on Wednesday, 19 precincts will remain to be done on Thursday. This means that each team will do 3 precincts each. We expect that each precinct will take a couple hours to do, so we'd expect to be done around 5pm. Transportation will be arranged and breakfast/lunch provided. Instructions will be provided to those who respond. Please feel free to email me [at fit4life@the-gordon-family.net] with any questions or call me if necessary (cell: 847-542-0889). However, I do need to know as soon as possible. Also, if you can't volunteer for this phase, please email me so I know that you received this request. There will be other opportunities to volunteer over the next couple weeks, though this effort is the capstone of the investigation. Finally, feel free to ask others you know who might be interested - particularly high school and college students who are out of school for the summer, but let me know contact information for anyone who you might recruit. Sincerely, Don Gordon

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