Rogers Park Bench Shifting Gears

This blog, Rogers Park Bench (RPB) is going to a weekly format. Rather than a frantic, daily, sometimes hourly race to post just for the sake of posting, RPB will update itself with feature-oriented material on Sundays. Or whenever the heck we feel like it. You see, the entire staff of RPB has been contracted to do some highly sensitive work for - uhm, we can't tell you that. Anyway, RPB will continue to look outward from the 49th Ward of Chicago. That's not to say we will ignore the 49th, it's just that RPB will no longer try to keep up with WBBM, ABC7, CBS2, the Chicago Tribune or any of the other big news operations. It's pointless, fruitless, redundant. Locally, there are other bloggers who do fine work at keeping up with small local issues. Frankly, most of the local issues bore us to bloody tears, and the big important issues in Chicago's 49th Ward are largely ignored by the largely ignorant residents. Oh, man, we have gone too far, haven't we? Well, we're in it now, so here goes. The apathy in this Ward is nauseating. God bless those of you who read the blogs; this does not include you. But from our end, it is frustrating as hell to bust your hump to get info about something, publish it online, and then see no real reaction. Those of you who read the blogs are seeking information. You are engaged, you wish to know what's going on. But of RPB's 500-600 daily readers, there remains approximately 60,000 residents of this pitiful two-square mile ward that don't know shit about what's happening right outside their front door. So, with other projects heating up and demanding their share of time, RPB will go to a weekly magazine style. RPB hopes that those of you who are readers of this blog - and of other blogs - hang in there. Continue your quest for information. Lord knows the local Big Media doesn't cover Rogers Park worth a damn, unless it's a sensational killing, a fluffy propaganda piece for the alderman, or to compare us to Venice Beach, CA. Hang in there. Check in on Sunday evenings. See you then!

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