Joe Moore's Fat Cat Developer Donors

Lorraine Swanson at the News-Star keeps getting better, and this article by her is a doozy. It show just how compromised Joe Moore's integrity really is, with huge donations from developers. Jim Ginderske is the only candidate running in the 49th Ward who is not taking money from developers. Excerpt from the News-Star: "Report Card for Chicago 2006 examined contributions made to city aldermen over an 18-month period from Jan. 1 2005 to June 30, 2006. "Alderman Joe Moore, 49th, landed sixth on DGAP's Top 20 list of City Council members accepting campaign contributions from developers, real estate companies and builders, with $111,264 or 43 percent of his campaign contributions during the 18-month period of the study. "Between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2006, Moore received an additional 64,450 - counting LLCs with building addresses, property management companies, developers, Realtors and builders, according to campaign disclosure statements available on the Illinois State Board of Elections Web site. "Rogers Park developer Rich Aronson, who sits on Moore's Zoning and Land Use Advisory Committee, has contributed $2,950 of his own personal funds to Moore's campaign fund since 2001, including a recent donation of $2,000. Aronson's realty firm, Camelot Realty, has also donated $6,600 since 1999. "Similarly, Jay Johnson, whose properties have fallen under the scrutiny of the Chicago Department of Buildings, including the building where a deadly fire claimed the lives of six children last summer, has kicked in $6,500 since 2001. Johnson is also the developer for the Howard Theatre Building, which is subsidized by public tax money as part of the Howard-Paulina TIF district." FULL STORY...

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