Showing posts with label porkulus bill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label porkulus bill. Show all posts
5,000 Attend Tea Party Cincinnati
Nationwide "Tea Parties" keep rolling on. Cincinnati had a big on on Saturday, March 14. Tea Parties are protests against the socialist regime of Barack Obama and the massive, piggish spending of your money, your children's money, and your grandchildren's money, bailing out failing companies, the exponential growth of Government, suppression of our constitutional rights, and so much more. Chicago had a Tea Party on February 27. Since then, the movement (and the anger) just keeps building. So far, 150 Tea Parties have either taken place or are scheduled. Oh, did I say anger? Yes I did. We're mad as hell.
The Tea Party in Cincinnati, Ohio was impressive. There are reports of over five thousand people attending and it appears those reports are accurate (police reports confirm). The rally was held in Fountain Square and the square and surrounding areas were packed to hear speakers and to vent at what people believe is wrong about the Pelosi, Obama, Reid administration. More taxes, more spending, bailouts and larger government. Full Post at Invincible Armor...
Thousands Support Cincinnati Tea Party
Cincinnati Tea Party Pictures
Cincy Tea Party Pics
More Ohio Tea Party reports at BlogNetNews
Best Chicago Tea Party Video I've Seen
Tax Day Tea Party Schedules, Nationwide
List of Future Tea Party Events
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Rick Santelli's Tea Party
Tax Day Tea Party April 15
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TODAY, FEB. 27, IS THE DAY of NATIONAL PROTEST in dozens of cities across the country. We're protesting the growing Federal Monster of Bloated Government. They're called "Tea Parties" in a symbolic gesture to flash that helped start the first American Revolution against the British. JOIN US TODAY as we start the Second American Revolution, this time against the corruptocrats in Washington, D.C.
See video for info (below). (Hat tip to Chicago Bungalow)
The "Tea Party" protests are non-partisan: "Progressives are angered by Washington's continued pandering to corporate 'fat-cats'and conservatives are angered by Washington's willingness to prop-up failed enterprise. We have a common purpose - Washington is NOT listening!" Source: Portland, OR & SW Washington Tea Party
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(Photo source:
The nationwide "Tea Party" protest events tomorrow will happen in more than 20 U.S. cities, but other towns have already had similar events. One example is a town in Kansas. At least 100 people turned out for an anti-stimulus protest in Overland Park, Kansas last Saturday. KSHB-TV fills us in:
What started as an e-mail rant turned into a protest. There were signs and chants outside Kan. Rep. Dennis Moore's headquarters. Constituents are angry that he voted for the stimulus package. They say the bill was rushed through without support from both sides of the aisle or enough debate. More at KSHB-TV...

Rep. Moore, Democrat, has represented Kansas’s 3rd congressional district for 10 years. The photo here is from that protest. You can view it and more at "Overland Park, KS Porkulus Protest" on Nice Deb's website. See "Kansas 'Stimulus' Protest" at Rantings & Ravings for more about the Kansas protest. RELATED: List of All Tea Parties Nationwide, Feb 27 Chicago News Bench Merchandise Chicago News Bench RSS Feed
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