Delete my f/-*ing account KOS!!!!

With big hat tips to LGF and Backyard Conservative, I've become aware of a searing letter from a dissatisfied Daily Kos member. The letter is more important than it first appears. This is interesting for two reasons: (1) It is sympomatic of a general feeling by liberals and Democrats that the Far Left has taken their politics to extremes, and (2) it is reflective of Chicago's own 49th Ward political atmosphere. With the recent divisive aldermanic elections here, many Democrats have awakened to the fact that a candidate is not necessarily all sweetness and light just because of they have taken the "Democrat" or "Progressive" label. They can be just as corrupt as the worst Republican. Witness the current division within the ranks of the local membership of Democracy For America (DFA) chapters (see "An Open Letter to DFA Edgewater/Rogers Park"). Such letters as the one at Daily Kos are often deleted from web sites. The Daily Kos editors may not yet be aware of the letter, or have not gotten around to deleting it. I don't usually like to re-publish content from other sites in full, but to preserve the letter from possible disappearance I archive it here. Read it carefully. The author was obviously very upset wehn This letter is more important than it first appears. Here it is in full: by RosenbergEyal Wed May 09, 2007 at 12:41:38 PM PDT I have been a member here on dkos for several months. I have read many diaries, and even wrote a few. Today I have decided to leave dkos. This final diary details why. In short: After reading many articles here, I have come to the conclusion that this site has such a wide range of extremist views, that I no longer feel I have a room here - as the moderate I view myself. RosenbergEyal's diary :: :: Intro Reading these past months on dkos has led me to believe that people here, under the "progressive" banner, support views that end up in one place: Me dead. Some call it "Justice". Some call it "Inalienable rights". Some call it "anti-Zionism". The goal is the same, and the reason is not people's concern for Human rights, of even Palestinian rights. Its just plain old Israel Bashing as a way to clear people's conscience by finding a scapegoat and a target for their pacifist post-modernist views. Hypocrisy Not a word on the hundreds of thousand of jews expelled from the Arab countries and rehabilitated in Israel. Easier to blame Israel for not commiting suicide by letting the Palestinian refugees back in, not blaming the Arab world for keeping them poor and desperate. And Yet - every Palestinian village of an order of a hundred people is known, mapped, tracked and valued - not for their sake, but as another self righteous spike on a club bashing my nation's collective head. Barely a word for Darfur - Israel has been in a diary on dkos over 5000 times in the past year, Darfur less then 1000. How many thousands continue to be killed there by Muslims? If I did not know better I would think that on dkos bashing Israel was more important than saving lives. But what has gone in Sudan? Only 2 million dead versus the circa 7 thousand in the I/P conflict in the same period. Why don't people on dkos go for boycotting Pakistan? After all its troops killed and displaced about 1.5 million people in Bangladesh during the 1970's... but since Muslims did the killing, no one cares for those lives or those people's "Right of Return"... Thinking I am going too far back? What about 100,000 people killed by Indonesia in East Timor barely a decade past? Where are the maps? the endless legalese debates on definitions and conventions and treaties??? Oh, right. Indonesians are not Jews, but Muslims. Lebanon? In the Lebanese civil war more Lebanese died at Lebanese hands- about 100,000, than anything Israel did. But only the actions of Israel's allies (Christian Lebanese) in Sabra & Shatilla are still prosecuted against Israel as'war crimes'. Not for Lebanon's sake. Not for the victim's sake, but to bash Israel. People on dkos go back to Zionism's early days in the 1880's and the 1920's, and point out how "Unjust" it is. How Jews were "massacring" Palestinians in the 1930's as if it was instinct. Anyone remember Black September 1970? When Jordanians killed 10,000 Palestinians in 2 months? In Jordan where Palestinians are an absolute majority but have little in the way of basic civil rights? Where are the maps of Palestinian villages in Jordan? Why not demand democracy in Jordan, or boycott it? Oh right. Jordanians, as muslims, are exempt from criticism. Jews, especially Zionists, are not. What about the Syrians at Hama? Saudis? Egypt's Copts? Algeria? Afghanistan? Somalia? I'll save you the time. Feel free to read up. Millions of Muslims and Christians slaughtered and displaced, but no one gives a damn. How many comments and diaries here showed HAMAS was flexible and peace loving, versus those evil warlike Zionists? Even when faced with quotes like this one : "[This] so that everyone will know, that we did this only because our lord commanded so, "I did it not of my own accord" [*] and so that people will know that the extermination of Jews is good for the inhabitants of the worlds on a land, to which Allah gave his blessing for the sake of the inhabitants of the worlds." [HAMAS Al-Risalah, April 23, 2007]" Even if Israel does as much as demolish a single structure, for whatever reason (just and legal or not), someone on dkos will post a diary with 300 comments on it - going back historically with discussions on everything that is completely irrelevant to the event. Do people here even know that Bulgaria and Turkey did a forced transfer of 200,000 Turks out of Bulgaria in the 1980's? Where are the cries for a "Right to Return"? Oh, wait - this does not spell Israel's destruction, so it is not worth discussing. What about the Greek/Turkish population exchange of 1922? Same Thing. Germans forced out of Poland and Chekoslovakia after WWII? Same. No one here argues return for and of the tens of millions of people displaced over the past 100 years all over the globe for the simple reason that their return (Turks to Greece? Unthinkable. Germans to Poland? frightening!) does not spell Israel's destruction. Me dead. And they back it up with Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky!!! Those two do not care. I'll be dead if their ideology comes true, they won't. Upset That is why I am upset. People here are advancing ideology that leads directly to Israel being destroyed as a Jewish and democratic, and me dying - since the two are one and the same. I have previously written on my experiences and how I look forward to a stable viable two state solution with stable borders, Arab East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, viable continuous borders, the removal of all the isolated and medium settlements, land and population exchanges, Clinton style.... but people here make me feel they simply do not want it, as it saves Israel (Which it does!) so I even started getting cynical in my last few posts. Finale' The TV ethics employed by some members of this site here is a mirror of misguided ideology and theory. Reading this site for the past few months has me feeling like I was reading the writings of West European communists in the 1970's : Confidant, just, well written, scientific, moral (remember the "evils" of capitalism?) . Yet - in the view of history - utter garbage. I came to this site with Leftist Zionist Environmentalist Pro-Peace ideology (Meretz style). I leave it with a heavy doubt of the entire "Progressive" ideology, morals and goals. This Diary and its accompanying comments which I will write below responding to the readers will be my last. Good Night. Good Luck. Put a Democrat in the White House. **Update** Thanks to all the support. I'll miss you too. Delete my f/-*ing account KOS!!!!

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