Access Denied at Common Cup

Morse Avenue's new cafe, The Common Cup, pours a good cup of coffee. The soups, I am told, are good. They haven't gotten around to serving "real" food yet, only sugary pastries and ice cream. (I must admit that the cookies are very, very good.) It you want a great cup of coffee or some good ice cream, Common Cup is recommended. However, if you're looking for a place to sit and work on the internet, you may want to avoid this place.

The wifi (wireless internet connection) is filtered too restrictively. That makes work difficult and, depending upon what you are trying to find on the web, even impossible.

On Tuesday, Common Cup's second day, employee Chris asked me if I was having any trouble getting online. I told him that the wifi was too restrictive and was not allowing me to access sites such as Technorati or many news sites. He said he would make the filter less restrictive.

It is Friday, the fifth day for Common Cup, and the wifi is still giving me frequent messages like the one pictured here. The wifi at Common Cup, according to owner Ruth Hoekwater, is filtered to keep people from surfing the web for pornography. However, one can find porn even with the filter. The point is that the wifi filter at Common Cup is nothing but an annoyance. Ruth acknowledged as much yesterday when she told me that they would fix the filter to be less restrictive. But Chris said the same thing five days ago. I am wondering why it's taking so long for them to do it.

I trust that they will fix this problem. I will continue to grab a cup of coffee to go from Common Cup, but will no longer stay to use the internet. This will cost them money, because as I sit there I pay for refills. If I stay long enough I will eventually buy something to eat. Not, however, if it's a waste of my time with wifi that gets me nowhere. As soon as they fix the wifi problem I will again hang out rather than take my coffee on the run.

If you are looking for a great cafe that has unrestricted wifi, I recommend Ennui Cafe on the southeast corner of W. Lunt and N. Sheridan. The room has less echo, the electrical outlets are better situated so that you don't trip over your own power cords, they have a full menu with sandwiches, soup, chili and salads, and an outdoor patio with a lake view. Ennui also features no-cover live entertainment several nights a week.


  1. Who knew I had a family friendly site.

    Neighbors tell me my site pops up just fine at the Common Cup while their sipping their java.

    In fact, I hear the Hell Hole is rising up the Common Cup fav-websites as we speak.

  2. That isn't very nice. You come out and support them, encourage every one else to go there, then recommend everyone go elsewhere because they're still working out the very minor bugs of opening a new business.

    There is no need to be so critical because you couldn't get all the free wireless you wanted. They said're working on it. Give 'em a break.

  3. Rogersparking,
    Don't be so childish. It's a restaurant review. You are wrong to say that I recommended "everyone go elsewhere" - I specified wifi users when I wrote, "If you are looking for a great cafe that has unrestricted wifi." The first paragraph said, "It you want a great cup of coffee or some good ice cream, Common Cup is recommended." Does that sound negative? As for giving them a break, I've been quite complimentary to them, saying their pastry and coffee are excellent, the people are nice, and so on. Good God,read a post carefully before you respond to it, willya?

  4. The best part was the comment where Tom Mannis told somebody to not be so childish. I laughed so hard I nearly cried. Thanks for the chuckle.

  5. If I can't get my porn there I'm gone .... Where's this Ennui?

    RPB (R)


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