Alinksy's Rules for a Sleeping Giant

For years, I've advocated that conservatives learn the rules of war that the Left has been using against America for decades. I learned them in college 30 years ago when I battled self-described Trotskyites at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Now, finally, it seems that conservatives are rubbing their sleep eyes and waking up. Like the red-coated British who could not compete with the American colonists's guerilla tactics, conservatives have too long been constrained by politeness and meekness. The Leftists, meanwhile, have been throwing bricks and torching cars. No, I don't advocate violence, but I frankly find it refreshing to see ordinary Americans speaking up and loudly, holding impolite signs and causing great inconvenience for Democrats and sell-out Republicans at townhall meetings. Tea party protests have, up to now, been far too polite. On Monday, August 10 in Kansas City, Missouri, reports The Atlantic, "The a group of conservative organizers [conducted] a most unusual training session. They [taught] the 'Rules for Radicals' laid down by the god of community organizing, Saul Alinsky. The idea: learn to recognize the footprints of the enemy." (This event happened on Monday, August 10, 2009.) RELATED: Barack Obama's unlikely political education Barack Obama and the Socialist Conspiracy What Barack Obama learned from the Communist Party Tax Day Tea Parties, Alinsky and Digital Warfare Saul Alinsky and DNC Corruption Iran Protesters Braver Than "Tea Party" Protesters Are YOU a citizen of the United STRAIGHTS of America? Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! We're on Twitter...

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