The art of any propagandist and agitator consists in his ability to find the best means of influencing any given audience, by presenting a definite truth, in such a way as to make it most convincing, most easy to digest, most graphic, and most strongly impressive. ~ Lenin, The Slogans and Organisation of Social-Democratic Work (1919)
The post's headline sums it up: "Left Wing Gearing Up to Undermine Tea Parties, But We Will Fight Back." The Parcbench blog post today goes on to tell us this (emphasis added):
In a recent Washington Times article titled, “Online activists on the right, unite!,” Andrew Breitbart wrote about the dirty tactics that left-wing activists are employing online. Breitbart, who helped his friend and former conservative, Arianna Huffington, found the left-wing Huffington Post blog, wrote that “Internet hooligans are spewing their talking points to thwart the dissent of the newly-out-of-power… Political leftists play for keeps. They are willing to lie, perform deceptive acts in a coordinated fashion and do so in a wicked way - all in the pursuit of victory.” Full Post at
That "wicked way" includes lying, defamation and posing. The late Saul Alinsky was a "community organizer" in Chicago. He advocated both socialism and communism, and was the author of the infamous "
Rules for Radicals. " Many laud that book as "the Communist Manifesto for the modern times."
Saul Alinsky's son has called Barack Obama his father's greatest student. But this is nothing new; Obama was not the first, nor was Alinsky, to follow the principle of victory by any means. The end, for the Left, always justifies the means, no matter how ugly the tactics used. (See:
Barack Obama: Disciple of Saul Alinsky)
Alinksy taught, "Lie, dissemble, ridicule and deride your opponents... do what you need to do to get ahead. Listen to and learn their needs and take advantage - do not care. Manipulate the morals. Lying is never wrong as long as it leads you to a position of power. Say what you need to say to get ahead. The ends justify the means." This is about "revolutionary truth" and "bourgeois truth." More on that below.
Breitbart's article in the Washington Times was published on March 30. It starts with this omininous paragraph:
A digital war has broken out, and the conservative movement is losing. Read the comment sections of right-leaning blogs, news sites and social forums, and the evidence is there in ugly abundance. Internet hooligans are spewing their talking points to thwart the dissent of the newly-out-of-power.
Breitbart continued:
Much of Mr. Obama's vaunted online strategy involved utilizing "Internet trolls" to invade enemy lines under false names and trying to derail discussion. In the real world, that's called "vandalism." But in a political movement that embraces "graffiti" as avant-garde art , that's business as usual. It relishes the ability to destroy other people's property in pursuit of electoral victory.
It's a brave new world out there. Many on the Left will do anything to grab onto it. Let's get back the issue of
"revolutionary truth" versus "bourgeois truth." Briefly, "revolutionary truth" differs from bourgeois truth in that bourgeois truth is based on whether a statement comports with reality. Revolutionary truth, on the other hand, is based on whether a statement promotes a cause or party or candidate (lies presented as truth).
There will be a lot of "revolutionary truth" presented. Of course, the Left has been heaping its version of Reality on us for decades now. The challenge is to be able to filter the reality from the lies.
Discover the truth through practice, and again through practice verify and develop the truth. Start from perceptual knowledge and actively develop it into rational knowledge; then start from rational knowledge and actively guide revolutionary practice to change both the subjective and the objective world. Practice, knowledge, again practice, and again knowledge. This form repeats itself in endless cycles, and with each cycle the content of practice and knowledge rises to a higher level. Such is the whole of the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge, and such is the dialectical-materialist theory of the unity of knowing and doing.
~ Mao Zedong, On Practice (1937)
No Leniency for Leftist Hatemongers
The Religious Left's Lies
Air America: Telling The Lies The Left Wants To Hear