Showing posts with label subpoenas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subpoenas. Show all posts

Olympian Lies and School Grades Manipulation

Chicago's Mayor Richard M. Daley is a liar. So are Ron Huberman and Arne Duncan, the current and former chiefs of Chicago Public Schools respectively. 

Here's why, plain and simple: (1) The "improved grades" of Chicago public school children is largely false, a lie perpetrated and probably instigated by Huberman, and probably with Daley's blessing, and (2) Daley's wild claims that the 2016 Olympics would give Chicago a massive profit are roundly shot down by experts.

(1) Daley's Olympic Economics Fantasies Crain's Chicago Business noted this past week that Daley's fantastical claims "that the 2016 Olympics would give Chicago's economy a $22.5-billion boost vastly overstates the likely benefits of hosting the games, experts say."

The Crain's report continued (emphasis added): "That's crazy," says Victor Matheson, a professor of economics at College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts who has studied the economic impact of the Olympics. "Anyone using this $22.5-billion number as justification to vote for the Olympics is being led down the garden path." The figure far exceeds estimated benefits in forecasts prepared by other cities that have sought the games. Atlanta, for example, figured the games it hosted in 1996 would produce an economic jolt of just $7 billion in 2009 dollars. (See the full article...)

Professor Matheson doesn't live in Chicago. It's doubtful that he has a partisan interest in the pro vs. con Chicago 2016 argument. It's undoubtedly safe to say that he knows a hell of lot more about the economics of hosting an Olympics than does Richard M. Daley, and that Matheson is more objective about it. We already knew in June that Daley lied when he said that the taxpayers would not lose a dime if Chicago get the Olympics, and the ill-fated meeting in Switzerland proved it. At the meeting, Daley announced that he would "sign the standard Olympic host city contract, which would give the city full financial responsibility for mounting the 2016 Summer Games." (Source) In other words, Chicago taxpayers would get stuck holding the bag if or when the Chicago Olympics loses money.

(2) The Chicago Public Schools Grades Conspiracy Many of us have known for a long time that claims of Chicago school kids' grades improving is a huge exaggeration, if not an outright lie. Now, thanks to the Chicago Sun-Times, we know that grades have been artificially raised in large numbers. An August 29 article, titled "1 in 5 Chicago Public High School teachers say they felt pressure to change grades last school year" demonstrates this with sharp clarity. The report surveyed more than 1,200 Chicago Teachers Union members and sheds light on how desperate city officials are to give the illusion of improvement where there is none.

An excerpt from that article: The findings raise serious questions about whether some of the data used to judge Chicago public schools has been inflated, artificially manipulated -- or in some cases outright altered.

Back in June, Greg Hinz wrote about the horrible failure of Chicago's public (government-run) schools. In his blog at Crain's Chicago Business, Hinz wrote this (emphasis added): Half of the students drop out by high school, and of those who remain until 11th grade, 70% fail to meet state standards, the report says. In fact, "In the regular (non-magnet) neighborhood high schools, which serve the vast preponderance of students, almost no students are prepared to succeed in college." The report directly challenges widespread claims by current and former CPS officials that local students have shown substantial progress over the last decade on standardized tests. 

Hinz cites a stunning June, 2009 report (see the PDF) by the Civic Committee of The Commercial Club of Chicago, which condemns Chicago's public schools in it conclusion (emphasis added): CPS has reported that Chicago s elementary schools have made enormous progress in the course of the past decade - achieving double-digit increases in all grades and all subjects. This claim jarringly conflicts with the flat trends reported in the high schools, and is contrary to the NAEP ("Nation s Report Card”) results. The remarkable apparent progress in the elementary schools appears to be due mostly to changes in the ISAT tests and testing procedures - rather than real improvement in student learning.

Without saying so directly, the report calls Daley, Huberman and Duncan liars.
So we'll say it for them: Daley, Huberman, and Duncan are liars. 

Schools-Related (Olympics-Related follows):


Chicago Tribune Rehashes Google Subpoena Story, Offers Nothing New

As noted five days ago, the big mainstream media was missing the big story about a Chicago developer who has subpoenaed Google in an effort to learn the identities of some anonymous bloggers in the Uptown neighborhood. Today, finally, on February 12, The Chicago Tribune picked up the story. It was broken by reporter Lorraine Swanson, editor of News-Star, on January 28. The story in the Trib today is a watered-down rehashing of Swanson's report. Unlike Swanson, however, Trib writer James Janega did not include any quotes from the two most important players in the drama: Developer Peter Holsten and his attorney Tom Johnson. In Swanson's January 28 story, she quoted Johnson as saying, "We did issue a subpoena to Google....The subpoena asks for all the information for two particular sites that Google has." Did the Trib talk with the people who brought the subpoenas? I don't know, but if they did they didn't use their quotes. The Trib quoted some people, but they are not key players. Attorney Thomas Ramsdell, who represents local citizen's group "Fix Wilson Yard," is not a key player because Fix Wilson Yard is not a target of the subpoenas. Robert Moss, vice chair of the Chicago Bar Association's Civil Rights and Constitutional Law Committee, is also not a key player. He's not even a minor player. He's just some guy in the Trib's Rolodex of "experts" that they call for a handy quote when the key players don't pick up their phones. The Trib also quoted Matt Zimmerman of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), but they are involved only as the representatives of block club Buena Park Neighbors and the two bloggers, What The Helen (defunct) and Uptown Update. Zimmerman's quote in the Trib adds nothing new to the story. "Regardless of what the motivations are, there's certainly a chilling effect as a result of subpoenas sent out specifically targeting sites criticizing this development," he told the Trib. Well, duh. As with that quote, the Trib's story adds nothing new. It's a report, but it's not "news" because by today, the story is "old" by news cycle standards. That's not to say the story has lost its importance. It is still developing and, as Zimmerman correctly said, could have a chilling effect on a segment of the public discussion about not just Wilson Yard, but any subject of public interest. Keep watching for updates on this story from Lorraine Swanson. Although her initial report is now two weeks old, it still has more information than the story today at The Chicago Tribune. RELATED: Holsten's attorney subpoenas Google - Information sought on 2 Uptown blogs (Jan. 28) Developer Targets Bloggers in Chicago (Jan. 29) Big Media Missing Google Subpoena Story in Chicago (Feb. 7) Full Texts of Blogger Subpoenas (Feb. 7) CNB RSS Feed

Big Media Missing Google Subpoena Story in Chicago

A Chicago developer subpoenaed two local blogs and two neighborhood groups in the Uptown neighborhood. The subpoenas were filed against Google on January 12, 2009. It's building buzz in the blogosphere, but as often happens, the mainstream media is slow to pick up the story. To be accurate, the story was broken by the weekly News-Star's Lorraine Swanson on January 28, but that's as far as it got in the "real" press. (CNB picked it up the following day.) UPDATE 2/12/09: The Chicago Tribune finally noticed this story. See: "Chicago Tribune Rehashes Google Subpoena Story, Offers Nothing New" When the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times finally do get to the story (they won't be able to ignore it much longer), they will probably not give any credit to the reporting by Swanson or to the bloggers. Here is a roundup of blog reports about the subpoenas: Chicago Bloggers Threatened (The Jawa Report) Developer Targets Bloggers in Chicago (Chicago News Bench) Google Subpoenaed Over Anonymous Blogs... (WindyPundit) Wilson Yard developer supoenas Google to unmask Uptown bloggers (Windy Citizen) Google subpoenaed about two anonymous Chicago blogs (Marathon Pundit) Holsten v. Uptown Update and What the Helen Citizen Media Law ... ( Chicago Developer Shovels Out Subpoenas by the Bucketful Over ... ( Flying Debris: Chicago Bloggers Threatened! (Flying Debris) Chicago Developer Shovels Out Subpoenas by the Bucketful... ( Uptown Update: A Point To Ponder (Uptown Update) blogs subpoenaed - General Discussion... ( Chicago News Bench: Full Texts of Blogger Subpoenas (Chicago News Bench) CHICAGO BLOGGERS THREATENED (InstaPundit) Uptown Update: Holsten's Subpoena Requests Continue To Draw Attention (Uptown Update) Don’t Shoot the Messenger: Uptown Bloggers Subpoenaed (Chicagoist) Uptown Throwdown (Gapers Block) Where is the mainstream media on this? CNB RSS Feed