Chicagoans called local authorities about the mysterious bright objects that floated slowing over the Windy City. They were not fireworks.
A report today by WGN says that "Peter Davenport, the director of the National UFO Reporting Center, said the center [has been] overwhelmed with calls from across the nation with reports of seeing the same figures: a cluster of orange, red or yellow lights." WGN has a video there, but we have several more below.
Nobody is saying these were spaceships from another galaxy, and nobody really know what they are. But then, that's why they're called "unidentified flying objects."
"Triangle UFO Over Chicago 07/04/13 on Independence Day 2013"
"UFO Fleet Over Chicago 4th of July 2013"
"UFO Sighting or Fire Lanterns Chicago, IL 7-4-2013 July 4th 9:39pm Logan Square - Part 1"
"UFO Sighting or Fire Lanterns Chicago, IL 7-4-2013 July 4th 9:39pm Logan Square - Part 2"