Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt

BREAKING NEWS: One of Barack Obama's aunts has been living in the US illegally, violating her immigration status and ignoring court orders to leave. She has made illegal donations to Obama's campaign. Obama wrote about her in a book. Of course, Obama is busy today lying through his teeth about her. The Times Online (UK) has a much better report, but first, the basics from AP: AP: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says he didn't know that one of his relatives was living in the United States illegally and believes the appropriate laws should be followed....A statement given to the AP by Obama's campaign Saturday says, "Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed." MORE at AP... Obama and his Legion of Liars will tell you today that he knows nothing about this, but the Times Online proves that to be a lie. In fact, Obama himself said so in his own book. Times Online: Ms Onyango was the first Kenyan relative to welcome Mr Obama on his first visit to his father's homeland in 1988, and she is a large character in his best-selling memoir Dreams From My Father. "'Welcome home', Zeituni said, kissing me on both cheeks," Mr Obama wrote. .... [She] gave a total of $260 to the Obama campaign during the third quarter of this year, records show. MORE at Times Online... More from Malkin: Obama’s illegal alien aunt (and campaign donor!) is a deportation fugitive; Bush administration moves to protect her

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