Emil Jones's Next Move

A highly intriguing post on the Daily Kos, by somebody with a pseudonym, discusses what kind of move Emil Jones might bust next. Jones is currently the President of the Illinois State Senate. He is well connected, as anybody in such a position would be, but Jones has some extraordinary connections. Illinois Governor Blagojevich likes Jones, after all, and not every state legislator is favored by his or her governor. There is talk of Blago offering Jones a nice position in his administration. This assumes, of course, that the same Tony Rezko who could still pull down Barack Obama does not take out out Blagojevich. Jones says he is not interested in being appointed to Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat if enough voters remain ignorant and actually elect Obama as president in November. That leaves another option: A big fat cushy appointment to a big fat cushy job in Washington D.C. Oh, and front row seats at the inauguration. I'm sure President McCain won't mind Emil Jones in the front row. McCain is good at reaching out across the aisle. RELATED: Comment: Emil Jones Getting it Done