I've pointed out a number of time that Alderman Joe Moore made Chicago a laughing stock with his anti-
foie gras ordinance which, surprisingly, Mayor Daley has not yet vetoed.
Todd Stroger is also in the comedy business, causing guffaws and snickers around the country. Take this example, for instance, of a post entitled
"Cook County IL Abolishes Democracy" from a blogger in Biloxi.
A bit of an exageration, perhaps - after all, thousands of stupid people were allowed to vote for Todd Stroger. They got what they deserved, but what about the innocent victims who did not vote for Todd? Oh, by the way, Barack Obama gave a gratuitous endorsement to Todd Stroger. More on that later.....
So, not to break in on your Joe Moore bashing but I feel like I should make a comment. You are one of many people who have commented on how big of a joke the fois gras ban was in city council. It might seem silly now, but it's worth noting that the vote to ban fois gras was passed by the city council 49 for and 1 against. That means that no matter how silly it might seem to some of you, all but one alderman were concerned enough about the issue to vote for it. It's an issue of animal cruelty and the video that lead to the vote was pretty awful. (At least that's what I read in the newspaper.) Why people are always beating up on Moore I will never understand. Clearly, 49 other alderman were concerned enough to vote against the mayor.
ReplyDeleteFirst, sincere thanks for your comment. Okay, so you're saying Joe Moore was fighting animal cruelty with the ordinance. Great. So why did he refuse to take in a freezing cat several days ago? Answer: It wouldn't get him national attention. And since when does mere concensus automatically make something correct? If 49 aldermen had voted AGAINST Joe's foie gras ban, would you then say that "Clearly, 49 other aldermen were concerned enough to vote against Joe Moore"?