Showing posts with label US Rep Hank Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Rep Hank Johnson. Show all posts

She Watched The Towers Burned on 9-11

Here is a moving recollection of flying into New York on September 11, 2001 and watching in horror - out of an airplane window - as the World Trade Center towers were in flames. Liz Carter is the Republican nominee running for Congress against incumbent Hank Johnson (D-GA-04) in the Atlanta metro area. The pilot announced, “It’s a clear day and we are just passing over Manhattan. If you look out the window you will see….” His voice trailed off as I stared out my window in shock. A plane had just hit The World Trade Center Tower and smoke was starting to bellow into the air. As confusion reigned, nobody knew what exactly was happening... A series of announcements from a pilot who was clearly in shock. “We are not quite sure what type of aircraft has hit the tower,” “Ladies and gentleman we have just learned the tower has been hit by a commercial jet,” “Please stay calm as we attempt to find out what is happening,” “A second plane has hit The World Trade Center,” and then something happened. I tried to reflect on my life, but memories of my father’s teachings about our Country, my America, rushed into my head. I felt my core wrench in disbelief upon the realization that something was very wrong. Read all of Liz Carter's blog post here... You may remember Carter's opponent Johnson as the Congressman who feared that the island of Guam would "capsize and sink" if more military personnel were housed there.

ANOTHER Stupid Gaffe by Hank Johnson

Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) is like the gift that keeps on giving.
Now infamous for his moronic concern that the island of Guam might "tip over or capsize," Johnson seems to be a habitual imbecile. 

We found another of his gaffes (below) of him calling last year's heavy flooding in Georgia a "national disaster," when in fact it was a "major disaster." Hear Johnson's gaffe at 2:54 in the video below. 

A congressman should know the correct terminology for what his own state is the recipient of. Dear Leader Obama declared it to be a "major disaster," not a "national" one.

Under Stafford Act authority, "major disaster" is defined as:

A major disaster, according to the Stafford Act, is “any natural catastrophe [...] or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, in any part of the United States, which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under [the] act to supplement the efforts and available resources or states, local governments, and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby.” The President issues a major disaster declaration after receiving a request form the governor of the affected state. The governor of the affected state must base a request for a declaration by the President on a “finding that the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and the affected local governments and that federal assistance is necessary.” (1, p. 9)

Exclusive! Hank Johnson's Guam Diagram

Chicago News Bench obtained a copy of the diagram that Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) had with him when he told Admiral Robert Willard, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, that he feared Guam might "tip over and capsize" if more military personnel were located on the little island. The diagram was given to us by ... uhm, let's just say we can't reveal our source. For more about this, see "Is Rep. Hank Johnson the Dumbest Man in Congress?"

Is Rep. Hank Johnson the Dumbest Man in Congress?

Can an island in the middle of the ocean - or anywhere - tip over? Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) apparently thought so when he was discussing relocation of more military personnel to Guam.

After droning on and on about the physical dimensions of the small Pacific island, Johnson said he was worried that the island might capsize like Barney Frank in a hot tub.

"My fear is that, ah, the whole island will, ah, become so overly populated that it would tip over and ah, and capsize," he said to a top military commander. You can watch him say it at 1:15 in the video here.

Stupid: Hank Johnson
It couldn't have been easy for Admiral Robert Willard, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, to maintain a straight face during his completely bizarre grilling by Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) last week. Willard was testifying before the House Armed Services Committee at a hearing concerning his command's FY 2011 budget. Full post at Mother Jones...

Admiral Willard somehow managed to keep a straight face. He responded, "Ah, we don't anticipate that. The Guam population is currently about 175,000."

Manhattan is about the same size as Guam and has about 100 times the population and much more construction. There is no indication that Manhattan is in danger of capsizing. Later, Johnson defended his idiotic remarks by saying that he was just kidding. "Johnson tells 11 Alive News that he used what he thought was a humorous metaphor," reported NBC 11 Atlanta, "'Often, I've been known to use humor as I deliver a message. That's just one of the gifts that I think that I have,' Johnson deadpanned."

If Johnson really was kidding, then his sense of humor is very strange. There he is, in a very serious moment, discussing very serious matters, with the commander of the U.S. Pacific Command -- and he's making jokes? No, no, no.

A normal person would not have done that in the first place, but if they did, they would have quickly chuckled and said something like, "I'm just kidding, I know that Guam couldn't possibly tip over because it's attached to the bottom of the ocean."

Johnson did nothing like that. He gave no indication that he was intentionally saying something that he thought was funny.  To Johnson's credit, though, it was a damned funny performance.

Good News! Guam Will No Longer Tip Over! Fellowship of the Minds (Dec. 2011)
Rep. Hank Johnson Thinks Guam Could Capsize Mother Jones
Rep. Hank Johnson: Guam could 'tip over and capsize' The Hill
Dumb Dems to be Drummed Out American Thinker
What is he doing in Congress? The Augusta Chronicle