The Marxist Obama: "All that sh**"

A MUST-READ COLUMN in Investor's Business Daily further exposes and details the "stealth socialism" and dangerous Marxist tendencies of Barack Obama:

A careful reading of Obama's first memoir, "Dreams From My Father," reveals that his childhood mentor up to age 18 — a man he cryptically refers to as "Frank" — was none other than the late communist Frank Marshall Davis, who fled Chicago after the FBI and Congress opened investigations into his "subversive," "un-American activities."

As Obama was preparing to head off to college, he sat at Davis' feet in his Waikiki bungalow for nightly bull sessions. Davis plied his impressionable guest with liberal doses of whiskey and advice, including: Never trust the white establishment.

"They'll train you so good," he said, "you'll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that sh**."

Those of us who know and understand the history of the past 100 years should be scared shitless by Barack Obama. He promises a great leap toward authoritarian government control of every aspect of our lives, to a degree not seen in this country since the dictator Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930's and 1940's.

A perfect storm of statism is forming, and our economic freedoms are at serious risk. Those who care less about looking politically correct than preserving the free-market individualism that's made this country great have to start calling things by their proper name to avert long-term disaster. FULL ARTICLE...

Hat tip to Mark Levin.