Showing posts with label relocation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relocation. Show all posts

Is Illinois the Worst State in America?

May 1, 2014 - The Land of Lincoln is stinkin' in the minds of a lot of Illinois residents these days. Massive budget problems, high taxes, cold winters, over-regulation are among the reasons that half -- HALF -- of Illinois residents wish they could live in some other state.

"These findings are from a 50-state Gallup poll," says Gallup on their website, "conducted June-December 2013, which includes at least 600 representative interviews with residents aged 18 and older in each state. Gallup measured residents' interest in moving out of state by asking, "Regardless of whether you will move, if you had the opportunity, would you like to move to another state, or would you rather remain in your current state?"

Eager to Leave: The Chicago Tribune notes that Gallup "points out that Illinois has ranked at the bottom of recent polls gauging residents satisfaction with state taxes, state government and 'overall perceptions of how their state compares to others as a place to live'." About 19 percent of the polled Illinoisans "said they plan to move in the next 12 months, a rate that trailed only Nevada," said the Tribune.

The Facebook page "Illinois Sucks- Let's Move Out of State!" presents stories about the sad state of Illinois, along with brutally frank comments by those suffering there. "Enough of Illinois, and Chicago in particular," asks the page's authors. "Why do you continue to live there? The weather stinks, it's ugly, it's flat, the cost of living is high, the taxes are ungodly. The state government is broke, and so are the schools. The politicians and civic leaders are corrupt; the traffic is terrible. Major tax hikes are on the horizon to pay for the coming state pension bill. Not to mention the awful winters. In fact, I can't think of one good reason to live there. Stop complaining about much Illinois sucks- do something about it and vote with your feet!"

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Finding a Good Mover a Hassle? Not In Chicago...

January 5, 2011 - Chicago - Moving to another home can be very stressful. One of the hardest things in the process is finding a good moving serving. can help folks in the Chicago metro area do just that, thereby eliminating at least some of the stress in your move. On average, Chicagoans spend two and a half hours researching movers and getting moving quotes, and still feel unsatisfied they received the best deal. solves this problem by allowing visitors to their website to fill out a short form and watch top-rated moving companies compete for their business. This can help people save over 30 percent on their move. (Plus, it sounds like fun.) There is no charge for price quotes. "It is a simple concept that people appreciate when they are moving," says Kyle Burback, Co-founder of Burback continues, "There are a lot of movers that are hungry for your business, but often these movers don't realize how many quotes you are actually getting so they offer you a retail estimate that is greatly inflated. We solve this problem because the movers know up front that they will need to sharpen their pencil and offer a real deal to get your business." also tackles quality issues proactively by pre-screening movers. "Nobody has a problem with their mover early on, they all seem knowledgeable and friendly," says Burback, "The problems with movers usually start after you have committed to a mover and put down a deposit or on moving day when the mover doesn't show up on time. The movers we work with know that if they don't provide excellent customer service all the way through the moving process they will be cut off from a lucrative source of new business. They are extremely motivated to provide great value and service." The website offers some great moving tips and packing tips. has a brick-and-mortar office at 1608 South Ashland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60608. Their phone is 312-238-9210.