Showing posts with label Jay Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jay Johnson. Show all posts

Jay Johnson: Joe Moore's Best Man?

The Bench broke the story of Joe Moore's wedding. More info leaks out, bit by bit. For example: Jay Johnson was a guest at the "close friends and relatives only" wedding ceremony just over two weeks ago. Johnson used to be on Moore's infamous zoning committee. He is hated wide and far for allegedly contributing to conditions that led to the deaths of six children in a fire in one of his Rogers Park rental properties. Dunno if Johnson was Joe's best man or not. But here's another little tidbit: A source tells The Bench that it was weird how many men at the secret wedding had "little mustaches." When asked what that meant, the source put two fingers point down from nose to upper lip, indicating a Hitler-like moustache. "No," I said to the source, "you're kidding." "No," said the source, "really." And we busted up laughing, even though the thought of a roomful of that style of mustache scared the hell out the both of us. Little by little, the whole guest list will come out. Hint at another guest: Supreme. RELATED: ILLINOIZE: Six children die in Chicago fire Why did six children die? (Socialist Worker) Joe Moore Supporter, Slum Lord Jay Johnson in Court

Joe Moore, Jay Johnson Updates

Lorraine Swanson of the the News-Star (Pioneer Press) covers the north side of Chicago like nobody else can. Today she gives us two hot stories, one about Don Gordon's ongoing election challenge against Joe Moore, the other about local landlord Jay Johnson. It was one of Johnson's buildings where a fire killed six children last September. Until March of 2007, Johnson sat on Joe Moore's land use zoning committee. Gordan lawsuit heads to court June 6, 2007 By LORRAINE SWANSON Staff Writer A June 22 court date has been set to determine if a lawsuit contesting the results of the 49th Ward aldermanic runoff election should be dismissed. Alderman Joe Moore, 49th, and the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners were named as defendants in a lawsuit filed by losing candidate Don Gordon and three other ward residents, who are seeking a recount and an investigation into possible vote fraud. FULL STORY... Johnson cleared of 46 building code violations June 6, 2007 By LORRAINE SWANSON Staff Writer A North of Howard apartment building has been cleared of 46 building code violations that were discovered days after a deadly fire that claimed the lives of six children last September. Attorneys for Jay Johnson, president of Cornerstone Residential Group LLC, and a team of city building inspectors told a Cook County Circuit Court judge that the building is now up to code during a housing court hearing on May 29. FULL STORY... Lorraine Swanson can be reached by email at