Watch Chris Matthews Wet Himself Over Bad Obama Debate Performance. "Where Was Obama Tonight?"

Oct. 4, 2012 - The Latest Chris Matthews Meltdown: In the wake of Obama's lousy performance in last night's presidential debate, the Leftists in the Mainstream Media KNEW that their man had lost. Lost badly, in fact, and they had a difficult time trying to comprehend how their Messiah did not shine as they expected. On MSNBC, Chris Matthews had a hissy fit that can only be described as delicious.

"I don't what he was doing out there," Matthews said of Obama, "he had his head down, he was enduring the debate rather than fighting it.... He went in there disarmed!"

"What was Romney doing out there?" said Matthews, "He was winning!" Cut to Ed Schultz in New York, who agreed. "He was winning tonight," Schultz said.

Matthews's freakout did not end last night: Matthews is still ranting about Obama today.

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