Beware Chicago's Fake Tax Day Tea Party Event

THERE IS SOME CONFUSION in Chicago about two scheduled Tax Day Tea Party events. Both rallies will happen on Thursday, April 15 at Daley Plaza, 50 W. Washington in downtown Chicago. One of the events is authentic, but the other is a rogue group that was kicked out of the Tea Party movement. 

Here's the 411: THE REAL EVENT: 12:00 Noon on April 15 - This is the "real" event, sponsored by Tea Party Patriots Chicago (TPPC). See their impressive speakers list here. TPPC is a legitimate and authentic chapter of Illinois Tea Party Patriots (ITPP), which in turn is part of the nationwide Tea Party Patriots. Also see the Chicago chapter's Facebook page, and their Twitter page at

THE ROGUE EVENT: 3:00 PM on April 15 - This is the rogue group, headed by the infamous Catherina Wojtowicz (photo). She is "Catherina6429" on Twitter, and is recommended reading or anyone who enjoys badly written crazy tweets.

Wojtowicz heads a group called "Chicago Tea Patriots," which was once part of the Illinois Tea Party Patriots, but the group was excommunicated for bad (very bad) behavior. Here's a brief account:

The ugliness and mob mentality of the Tea Party movement was on full display last week, during a town meeting held by Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) on Nov. 14 [2009]. What happened? A mob of teabaggers, blinded by hate and anger laughed at and heckled a grieving couple, who lost both their daughter-in-law and unborn grandchild. (Source:

I don't like the term "teabaggers," but perhaps we can forgive the author the vile term this once for using it to describe vile people engaged in vile behavior.

Wojtowicz was already causing ITPP headaches with her brash and threatening behavior, which sometimes rose to bizarre heights. She allegedly threatened to shoot a blogger, for example. The straw on the camel's back for ITPP was that ugly incident at the Lipinksi meeting.

Their tiny speakers list: WYLL’s radio personality and conservative Talk show host Sandy Rios of WYLL, 1160 AM. Underwhelming, right? But wait, there's more. Maybe. "In addition to Sandy Rios hosting a live broadcast, we will have a host of conservative speaker," promises their web site as late as 9:00 p.m. on April 12. Gee, I can't wait to see what kind of loony fringe conspiracy nutters Wojtowicz has conned into performing at her 3:00 p.m. sideshow.

If Wojtowicz wasn't so damaging to the Tea Party movement, it would be fun to laugh at her buffoonery. Sadly, however, she's one of those bad apples that the opposition loves to point at and say, "See?!? Look at how crazy those teabaggers are!" As I've said before, Wojtowicz and her fraudulent group deserve to be shunned by serious Tea Partiers. We owe it to ourselves to keep them as far away from us as possible.

Rogue "Chicago Tea Party Patriots" Must Be Shunned Chicago News Bench
Catherina Wojtowicz (a web site dedicated to her bad self)
Tea Party Organizer Catherina Wojtowicz Facebook discussion group