Obama's Cluttered Closet

Residents of the USA are now well familiar with Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Most of us now think the guy is complete raging racist paranoid egotistical bag of nuts. After 20 years and single appearance at the National Press Club, Barack Obama has finally said what so-called hate bloggers and "hate radio hosts" have been saying for months: Jeremiah Wright is raging racist paranoid egotistical nutjob .

Wright is not the only piece of crap littering Obama's cluttered closet. Scrape the floor of the closet and you find Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, Alderman Joe Moore, Terrorist William Ayers, and super scumbag Tony Rezko.

Residents of Cook County know too well who Todd Stroger is. We can't stand him. Barack Obama endorsed him in his 2006 run for Cook County Board President. Stroger is currently backing Obama.

Residents of Chicago's 49th Ward know Alderman Joe Moore. We can't stand him. Barack Obama endorsed him in his 2007 run for reelection. Joe Moore endorsed Stroger, too, and is currently endorsing Obama.

William Ayers is an unrepentant former terrorist who married another unrepentant former terrorist. Barack Obama speaks highly of the couple and calls them friends. Ayers hopes buddy Barack will be the next President of the United States of Amerika.

Tony Rezko, a friend and confidante, provider of favors and campaign money. Obama still doesn't get it. Rezko helped Alderman Joe Moore and soon-to-be-former-Governor Rod Blagojevich. Blagojevich endorses Obama, by the way.