Whoops! The Bench Got One Wrong

The Bench made a mistake. Like every mainstream media outlet, we get something wrong now and then. A neighbor in Edgewater assured The Bench that the police on the scene told him that Boubacar Bah was an "undocumented immigrant." He was wrong. Now, unlike many in the mainstream media, The Bench offers this apology and this correction. The Bench went with incorrect info, and has since learned that Bah has been in the U.S. legally for six years (Sun-Times). We sure are glad he's here, legally. As a consolation, we offer links to these fine articles: Triple murder prompts law against illegal immigrants The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal Two Illegal Immigrants Arraigned on Murder Charges in Troy ... Illegal Immigrants Arraigned On Murder Charges The murder of nine-year-old Jordin Paulder Illegal Aliens Dominate FBI Wanted List Manhunt underway for murder suspect The face of the new Mafia Man gets double life sentence for killing of two boys Officials: Illegals in prison cost county