CORRECTED: Hit and Run Murder by Undocumented Immigrant in Edgewater

Chicago - March 16, 2008 - An man ran down a pedestrian in the 6200 block of N. Lakewood early this morning. Neighbors in the Edgewater neighborhood tell The Bench that the victim was decapitated when struck in an adjacent alley. These photos by The Bench show the scene of death.


WBBM-AM reports that the victim was Tom Dalof, of the 5600 block of North Campbell Avenue, who "rescued a woman from two attackers early Saturday in Rogers Park. Minutes later, he was killed by a hit-and-run driver." Dalof was reportedly hoping to one day become a firefighter.

UPDATE: Early Sunday, Boubacar Bah, 24, of the 1400 block of West Farwell Avenue, was charged in the hit-and-run, according to Chicago Police. Bah was charged with reckless homicide and leaving the scene of an accident. Both charges are felonies.... Bah turned himself into Belmont Area detectives early Sunday. No court information was available for Bah. (Sun-Times)

A man who lives across the street from the alley where Dalof was killed says speed bumps might have prevented the murder.

"The driver was speeding west on Granville," the man told The Bench today, "and turned right there." He pointed toward the intersection of Granville and Lakewood. "He came up and turned into the alley, chasing the guy [Dalof] and hit a pole. The victim was decapitated."

The Bench examined the alley carefully. No sign of blood was seen, which would be expected in a decapitation. The only obvious indication that something bad had happened was the little bit of yellow police scene ribbon remaining on a nearby light pole.

The neighbor said they will ask the City to extend the sidewalks of the corners out, to narrow the intersection and so slow down motor traffic. He also wants speed bumps. "Might have saved a life. A speed bump would have bottomed out that car," he said."