A Can of Colt 45 is a Can of Colt 45

Joe Moore and liquor stores just seem to go together. He takes their money for his campaign chest, then pretends that he's tough on them. What a lousy actor this Alderman Joe Moore is. In Rogers Park, Soo Liquors is infamous on troubled W. Morse Avenue for loitering scumbags. Recently, Alderman Moore "got tough" with the liquor store. But his tough act is the stuff of wimp legend, and it ain't flying in the 49th Ward. We've seen this bullshit before. From this week's News-Star: The storeowners are also required to attend monthly CAPS beat meetings, join the business and economic development corporation for Rogers Park DevCorp North, and buy an awning sign. The memorandum does not name a specific time period that Soo Liquors has to get the business under control. Last Thursday, News-Star visited Soo Liquors and purchased a 24-ounce can of Colt 45 malt liquor and a $2.99 bottle of cheap rum. When asked why the store was still selling malt liquor after the owners agreed not to, the store manager said that "Colt 45 was OK" because it had slightly less alcohol content than other brands. The store manager also said that the $2.99 price for a cheap half-pint did not apply because it came out to $3.51 with tax. FULL ARTICLE by Lorraine Swanson...

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