Pothole in the Streetscape

There is a big pothole in the early stages of forming, and judging from the speed of change it will be a hazard very soon. It is deep enough now that someone could badly twist their ankle in it. I know Alderman Moore's people read this blog, so I'm sure this will be taken care of immediately. DevCorp North will want to jump all over this too, because a big pothole will just spoil the look of Morse Avenue, now that it's been so fabulously beautified. (Right?)


  1. Thanks for posting this. I will call 311, and you should if you haven't. Keep the tracking number of the call.

  2. No, no, no Tom.

    They shouldn't fix it now because when they do the much vaunted Morse beautification someday the repair would get all messed up and that would be a terrible waste of municipal resources...

    (If it applies to sidewalk trees, why not potholes?)


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