Of Todd Stroger and Paul Wolfowitz

The Chicago Tribune ran a brilliantly satirical "message" from Democrat Todd Stroger," the widely-despised, recently elected Cook County President (printed on April 10). (Todd, by was heartily endorsed by 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore.) Stroger is giving high paying positions to personal friends. Meanwhile, Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank is under fire for pushing through the hiring of his girlfriend. Excerpt from the Tribune editorial, "Todd Stroger's message"... "Maybe you hear the whispers around the County Building that I don't work very hard and don't care very much. That the Chicago ward bosses and even the big-time Democrats are embarrassed -- worried -- about my inability to act like I'm interested in this $3billion government. That increasingly they dismiss me as a one-term puppet who'll protect their pals' cushy jobs and lucrative contracts without even pretending I'm engaged." FULL PIECE... Here is an interesting report about Wolfowitz's woes, including an interview with the Bush insider himself: Mr Wolfowitz had previously been accused of cronyism for giving old friends from the Pentagon jobs. But this time, he has been forced to publicly apologise, saying he is sorry and made a mistake.But his indiscretion, at the same time he's pushing an anti-corruption drive within the Bank may be too much for its directors. The board has been meeting to discuss what to do about him. FULL ARTICLE...

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