The Galileos of Global Warming

The modern Secular Left is persecuting dissenters in the same way that the Catholic Church did in the Middle Ages. The people who used to tell us to "question authority" now demand that we kneel before the altar of Science by Consensus. Dennis Prager has one of the best talk shows out there. He is a conservative, but liberals also like him because he is not a screamer and treats callers with respect. Last month, Prager took a phone call from a listener who challenged him on the issue of global warming.
DP: "For my listener, Allen, in Castro Valley, California, who wants me to name any scientist who disputes Al Gore’s theses, here is a list that I’d like to offer you, and it’s just a list of some of the biggest names. And later on, I’m going to go into the question of traffic. I’ve got a lot to talk to you about. But this is…I don’t say that Al Gore lies when he speaks about global warming. I think he’s hysterical on it. But I don’t say he lies. But it is a lie when he says that it is unanimous that it’s manmade, and that it’s catastrophic." The LIST of SCIENTISTS...
I was listening to Prager's show yesterday (heard on Chicago radio at AM 560). He compared the modern Secular Left to the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages in this regard: Just as the Church persecuted dissenters, the modern Secularists persecute dissenters and disbelievers. This has been obvious within the walls of Academia for decades, and now makes itself felt in the area of Global Warming. Scientists who dare to Question Authority, to dissent against the Algore Doctrine of Science by Consensus, are damned to losing tenure, losing grants, even getting death threats. They are mocked and ostracized by peers and colleagues, much like the persecution of Galileo.
Walter E. Williams recently wrote a brilliant piece about just this.
"Today's version of yesteryear's inquisitors include people like the Weather Channel's Dr. Heidi Cullen, who advocates that the American Meteorological Society (AMS) strip their seal of approval from any TV weatherman expressing skepticism about the predictions of man made global warming. Columnist Dave Roberts, in his Sept. 19, 2006, online publication, said, "When we've finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we're in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards -- some sort of climate Nuremberg." FULL ARTICLE...
In other words, Cullen likens a person who would like to continue the debate on global warming to a Nazi war criminal.
The irony, of course, is that Cullen and folks like her are more akin to the defendants at Nuremberg for their pogrom against those who dare question the authority that the Left once insisted we question. Today, questioning authority only pisses off the Left. What a shame.

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