
Comments Regarding Anne Coulter

RogersParkBooster has left a new comment on your post "Anne Coulter Apology Demanded by Former ACU Assistant Media Director": If Ann Coulter isn't a self-hating closet lesbian I'll eat her black SS boots. Nothing wrong with her being a lesbian....It’s just the rest of her destructive two-faced life that’s a problem. The extreme right has a long and rich tradition of individuals who are doing battle with their own personal devils. And just like the rest of us mere mortal non-supermen, they fail to live up to their own expectations of themselves. Sadly, since they can’t control their own personal urges, they attempt to demonize everyone else they can find who might display traits which they themselves possess. Suppression, guilt, denial, and self hatred over their true nature has wreaked havoc for the rest of us, as members of the far right have tried to control their own lives by controlling everyone else. JE Hoover (transvestite), Roy Cohn (homosexual), Rush Limbaugh (drug addict), Nixon (alcoholic), Jimmy Swaggert (Bi-Sexual), Republican defender of small children Mark Foley (pedophile), RNC chairman Ken Mehlman (gay), evangelical pastor Ted Haggard (long time patron of male prostitutes). And of course there’s about half the Catholic and Anglican clergy; the list is potentially endless [or] at least really really long. Did I include Ann Coulter? The point being that liberals may have their heads in dreamland over many things, but at least they understand that people come in lots of shapes and sizes, and short of doing harm to others (boy the Ann Coulters of the world sure aren’t guilty of this), people should be left alone with their privacy and dignity in one piece to be whom and what they are. Poor Ann just can’t be (and very possibly can’t admit it to herself) who she is, and she simply hates those who can. My response to Rogers Park Booster’s comment: First, thanks again for another thoughtful and well-phrased comment. I always enjoy your correspondence; keep ‘em coming. But, friend, calling her a “self-hating lesbian” or implying that she is a Nazi (“SS boots”) is going just as far over the edge as Coulter did. She’s a bigot, alright, but whether or not she’s a lesbian, or hates herself, is a personal issue that we should all try to be sensitive and understanding about. You correctly state that the “extreme right has a long and rich tradition of individuals who are doing battle with their own personal devils.” Okay, but so has the “extreme left.” And by the way, Hoover, Limbaugh, Nixon, and Mehlman are hardly “extreme right.” They are far right, not “extreme” right. Hitler, Mussolini, Franco were “extreme” right. And I could give a laundry list of liberal-to-extreme leftists with their own devils, too, but that would be as silly as your list. Briefly, however, that list would certainly include former KKK leader Senator Robert Byrd and perpetual drunk and lady-killer Senator Ted Kennedy. Look, every group, whether political, ethnic, religious or social, will always have aberrant individuals in it or hanging onto it. So listing a few nuts on the far right or the far left is a pointless exercise. Finally, I know this is hard to believe for those who have not bothered to really examine it, but there are plenty of conservatives who also believe that “people should be left alone with their privacy and dignity in one piece to be whom and what they are.” Those are the folks who are for smaller, less powerful government, folks who believe the government should get their hands out of our pockets, and folks who believe that schoolchildren’s parents deserve school choice.

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