Blacks: Planned Parenthood Is Racist

This may come as a shock to a lot of Democrats and liberals, but not all Black-Americans are willing to step and fetch for the Democrat National Committee. It's not surprising that pro-life black preachers would want the presidential candidates to refuse all contributions from Planned Parenthood. But one group of black preachers including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, Alveda King, has stepped out to label Planned Parenthood a racist organization and accusing them of participating in the genocide of black babies. FULL ARTICLE at Black Spin... RELATED: Pastors Blasts Planned Parenthood's Racial Genocide Black Pro-Lifers Demand Parties Refuse Planned Parenthood Funding The Racism and Politics of Planned Parenthood Your Tax Money At Work: Funding Abortions Planned Parenthood's racial profiling may end