Carol Ronen Leaves (Again)

Thanks to a sharp reader, The Bench just became aware of this post at Prairie State Blue. Former State Senator (and current 48th Ward Dem. Committeeman) Carol Ronen, who stepped down mid-term, and took a job with the state that reportedly paid more than 50% more than she made as a Senator, in January, stepped down from that post as of the end of April. FULL POST... Seems Ronen has abandoned Illinois Governor Blagojevich to join the Barack Obama Campaign. PSB quotes the State Journal-Register as writing that Ronen's "retirement date from the $120,000-a-year post was the end of April, according to comptroller's records. Her Senate pay, including a stipend for being a committee chair, was $75,301." Full Article at the SJ-R... Kudos to Prairie State Blue for posting this on May 20. It's an interesting read, especially for the reader comments.