
Dud: 49th Ward Democrat Rally

More proof that Barack Obama is not the fresh new type of politician he claims to be: He's backed by the same old corrupt party hacks the he has endorsed.

For example, the 49th Ward Democratic Party Rally today at the Loyola Park Field House in Rogers Park. The bullet points:

- It was held in a very small room.
- It was organized by party hacks David Fagus and Joe Moore, two cogs in the local Machine.
- It was co-organized by "President" Michael James, known as "Mike" when he was more
active in SDS than he is now.

These hacks, who have slapped each other's backs for years while looking the other way during liquor license violations, polling booth violations, and check kiting are enthusiastically backing Barack Obama.

Michael James, Joe Moore's lap dog, as president of the 49th Ward Democratic Party? Yipes. That should make a few Dems rethink their party alignment. (More on Michael James.)

Was Tony Rezko in attendance? I didn't see Rezko. Was Todd Stroger at the rally? Didn't see him, either, but he should have been. After all, Joe Moore, David Fagus and Barack Obama all endorsed Todd. Heather Steans's hack supporters were here in numbers, handing out literature.

After the rally, a Joe Moore sat in the empty room with David Fagus and Jim Ginderske. They seemed tense, uneasy. Perhaps it's because the rally didn't rally many people or because most of the Machine Democrat candidates' lawn signs sat unwanted in the hallway.

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