Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts

Found: Pumpkin the Cat's Owner!

Pumpkin the cat has been reclaimed by his family. Father and son had been looking for Pumpkin since he went missing sometime in early February. A Ginderske campaign volunteer brought the freezing, starving cat to the Ginderske 2007 office and cared for it until his family reclaimed him on the afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 17.

Alderman Moore's office refused to take the little fellow in on Feb. 10. But credit is due to Alexa at Moore's office, who answered a phone call from Pumpkin's "dad," who was calling around desparately looking for the orange tabby. Alexa referred him to the Ginderske aldermanic campaign office, and the happy reunion was made. See? Ginderske... taking action, getting results! See earlier story...

Rescued: Cat Saved From Cold, Starvation by Aldermanic Campaign Team

He's a rack of bones, but he's got an appetite and seems less confused after a couple of days with food, warmth and love.

The Ginderske 2007 campaign office has a new volunteer: Pumpkin the cat. Campaign volunteer Kevin Lane was walking near the office of Alderman Joe Moore's office (49th Ward) on Friday night when he saw the cat frightened and huddling underneath somebody's front porch. Kevin took pity on the little guy and carried him to the alderman's office, thinking that a man like Joe Moore - who cares so much about the welfare of geese - would surely take in a freezing, starving cat from his own neighborhood.

Kevin was mistaken. The alderman's office help told him that "social services" would be called. That wasn't good enough for Kevin. He brought Pumpkin to the campaign office of Jim Ginderske, and the cat was welcomed with blankets, food and love. A quick examination quickly showed that Pumpkin is a rack of bones, obviously not fed well probably even before he found himself abandoned in bitter cold conditions. The Ginderske team called the phone number on Pumpkin's collar tag, but the woman who answered angily said she had no cat and to not call again.
Perhaps it's better in the long run that Pumpkin left her.

Even if you support another candidate, please donate a can of food or two to help this little cat regain his strength. Thanks!

Ginderske 2007 Campaign Office:
6970 N. Sheridan Road
Chicago IL 60626-3560
Phone: (773) 338-3643 or (773) 856-6131
Fax: (773) 338-3674