I'm hearing that Jimminy Ginderske has taken to hanging out at Morseland's DevCorp Retreat and Tavern lately. Guess he figures it's safe now that the blogger were told to go to hell by ReMorseland management. I'll bet Jimmy's three-seltzer waters per night habit makes the bartenders happy. He drinks no liquor. He clean and sober these days, a nice change from his sordid past. But what's a five percent tip from Jimminy for a seltzer water to the bartender? Less than the 30-to-100 percent tips I used to leave on vodka martinis, I'm sure.
Showing posts with label Ginderske. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ginderske. Show all posts
President Obama, Congressman Joe Moore, Alderman David Fagus
Are you ready for Congressman Joe Moore? Oh yes, my friends, if Barack Obama keeps this up, he may well win the Democrat nomination. Now, suppose Obama wins it all and becomes our Next President?
I am not making this up. Honestly.
Democracy in Rogers Park will take a step backward, as if that is possible! The Bench has sitting on this for while now, but only today had an epiphany thanks to a woman much wiser than I am. Here's the hypothetical skinny:
U.S. Senator Obama becomes President, leaving his Senate seat vacant. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, wife of convicted felon Bobby Creamer, is appointed to fill that seat. She becomes U.S. Senator Schakowsky. (Her husband remains a crooked scum. Sorry, Bob, the promotion won't take that stain off of you.)
With Schakowsky's seat in Congress vacant, 49th Ward Alderfart Joe Moore will be named to fill her seat, thus becoming Congressfart Joe Moore.
Who will fill Joe's $400 Italian shoes once he's gone off to Washington? Why, none other than David Fagus, currently the evil 49th Ward Democrat Committeeman. That's right; he will become Alderman David Fagus.
Sorry, Jim Ginderske, you probably won't get it. And your little dog Wee Wee won't be able to tag along, either. You both carry water well, but not well enough.
So who will fill Fagus's vacated Committeeman position? Not now, I'll tell you early next week, boys and girls.
And you thought the Democrat Party was "Democratic?" Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaha! Oh, man, that's funny!
First, she's dumb enough to "vote" with an "invisible ink pen."
Then, after being written about by newspapers and bloggers nationwide, she's dumb enough to write a letter of complaint to two local bloggers. It must be remember that she, herself, is a blogger.
The foul part of it all: Amy "I'm not dumb" Carlton was dumb enough to write a letter asking Craig (Broken Heart) and I (this blog) to back off - after liberally insulting us in the same breath.
She continued her fit of stupidity by copying the email to one of the most reviled men on the north side of Chicago, Tom "wee wee" Westgard, a liar and a bigoted pig of small, underemployed mechanics liens attorney who has lately been spending more time licking the boots of Alderman Joe Moore here in the 49th than he has been with clients. But I digress.
By copying others in what should have remained a private email, Carlton foolishly put Craig and I into a position of having to respond, lest it appear that we backed down.
Ironically, that's exactly what Carlton's new mentor, wee wee, was hoping for. No, that's not the ironic part. The ironic part is that Westgard is apparently unfamiliar with the old bit of advice to be careful what one wishes for. He has unleashed more than he thinks he has. He has enemies within his own party. Tom Westgard disgusts many, and many are starting to say so who would not have a year ago.
The gloves are off. Not just for Westgard. No, not for poor pitiful Amy Carlton, who is yesterday's news and just one more useful idiot pawn in the insideous game that Westgard, Ginderske, Moore, Fagus, and others in this rotten 49th Ward play with sadistic delight. Amy Carlton was forgotten until she made the mistake of copying Westgard and Company, and of having the unmittigated nerve to ask Broken Heart and The Bench to back off just because we have the misfortune of living in close proximity to her. Did Amy Carlton launch an email campaign to ask bloggers nationwide to back off? No, of course not. Why not? Because she - and more to the point - her handlers Westgard & Company, would get no political mileage out harassing a blogger in, say, Sarasota, Florida.
The cheap trick of bringing her allegedly ailing mother in law into the fracas is unforgiveable. SHE brought that poor lady into this, not Broken Heart or The Bench. In a cheap bid to grab sympathy, Carlton and Westgard are hypocritical. How many times did they laugh about Nancy Reagan's misfortune of nursing a husband suffering from alzheimer's? They are not compassionate, and to beg for compassion so cheaply is disgusting.
Furthermore, for Thomas J. Westgate to AGAIN invoke the imagery of Nazis and the Third Reich is so hideously typical of not just Westgard but of so many on the Left that is almost laughable. Tom Westgard STILL owes the world an apology for slandering a perfectly decent man, Don Gordon, as a Nazi. Westgard is about as low as you can get, and is barely tolerated by the Moore camp but for his usefulness as a waterboy. It is well known that when Anne Sullivan jumped from the Gordon aldermanic camp to Joe Moore's, she briefly considered going to the Ginderske camp. Ginderske himself told me, however, that Sullivan chose Moore over him because she could not bear the thought of working with the likes of Westgard, who one year ago was "managing" Ginderske's amateurish bid for public office.
This is just the beginning, people. It's gonna git rough.
I wrote a letter to a new friend earlier this evening. I'd like to share part of it with you:
I can't begin to tell you how good it was to read your note (below). You are truly a free thinker, and God love you for that. Fasten your seat belt, the ride is going to get bumpy.
You know that I am a "conservative," for lack of a better term; but I have great sympathy for friends and neighbors who consider themselves to be Democrats, for their own party has been hijacked by a wicked alliance of the Far Left and Machine Politics. They tell me this themselves, that they are disgusted with their own party. Sadder still, however, is the fact that most of them repeatedly chant that they could never vote for a conservative or a Republican, even in the face of overwhelmingly depressing facts.
Facts: Todd Stroger. Rob Blagojevich. Nancy Pelosi. David Fagus. And on and on and on.
So here's where the seat belts are advised: I intend to take the gloves off. No more holding back. Oh, I won't use the cheap trick of using Revolutionary Truth (lies used as a means to an end, and the end always justifies the means for the Leftists). But I will hit harder than I have previously with actual truth. No sanctuary for the bastards, no quarter, no mercy. I hope you enjoy the fireworks. You may wish to publicly distance yourself from me. But here is a serious, very serious request. Keep doing what you've been doing. Keep up the public discussion. Wake up your fellow Democrats to the threat from the Lunatics, from the Westgard-Ginderske-Fagus types. The Soviet Union came to be in a quick and brutal revolution.
The revolution that is happening right now, right beneath our noses, is being sold to us with a dash of granola, sex and fear of polar bear extinction. It scares the hell out of me, and I pride myself in not being a paranoid. It is painful to see so many around me, blind to that which is so obvious, perhaps to obvious that it goes unnoticed by the masses. The People need a cold bucket of water in their collective face. It is not too late. But the moment of no return is but moments away.
History is a good barometer of what the political weather will be in the near future. Right now, the reading says "storm ahead." I know which side I am on, which side I will be on, which side I must be on.
The lunatics will chatter and scream. The sane will recognize the Truth, as they always do.
Will Ginderske Appointment Make A Difference?
I doubt it. I doubt it seriously. I'll pretend you care about my opinion and explain why I don't think that Joe Moore's appointment of Jim Ginderske to 49th Ward Zoning and Land Use Advisory Committee will make any real difference in the outcome of the run-off election on Tuesday, April 17.
Here are ten reasons why Joe Moore will probably win on April 17:
1) Joe Moore will probably win regardless of whatever small effect this will have on voters. (I'm not saying I want this, but the reality is that incumbents always have the greater advantage, even in run-offs); Ginderske's former supporters are generally well educated and will not - repeat, NOT - be significantly influenced by Jim Ginderske's actions. Rather, they will make up their own minds, and a number of them are already working actively on Gordon's campaign;
2) Not all of the 50.67 percent of the non-Moore vote that was split by Adams, Ginderske and Gordon will vote for Gordon. To assume that all of those voters will vote against Joe Moore is foolish. This is statistical probability, so much so that you would probably make a lot of money if you bet this way;
3) Over 90 percent of those who voted for Moore will vote for him again;
4) Don Gordon does not have the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or the local political Machine behind him, whereas Joe Moore does;
5) Don Gordon has far less money in his war chest than Joe Moore has in his;
6) Chicago Cubs play the San Diego Padres at Wrigley Field on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 1:20 P.M. This will distract a number of voters from the election. Don't laugh, I'm serious.
7) Chicago White Sox play the Texas Rangers on Tuesday, April 17 at 07:11 P.M. at U.S. Cellular Field. This will distract a number of voters from the election. Don't laugh, I'm serious.
8) Joe Moore has proven that he is not above employing unethical campaign methods;
9) Joe Moore still has great name recognition than Don Gordon; Don't laugh, I'm serious.
10) Some voters will be bored or burned out by the election process, or will have forgotten about local politics because they are distracted by national politics. Don't laugh, I'm serious
Taste of Peru is AWESOME
Now you have two reasons to go to Taste of Peru restaurant:
1) The food is amazing. From wonderful and chicken to amazing seafood (the ceviche is unbelievable!), Taste of Peru will satisfy your craving for new flavors. You won't leave hungry.
2) You can meet Jim Ginderske on Monday, February 19 at 7:00 p.m. Jim is running for alderman in Chicago's 49th Ward in Rogers Park.
Taste of Peru Restaurant is graciously allowing us to watch Jim on Channel 11's "Chicago Tonight" with Carol Marin. After the show is over, Jim will be joining us at the restaurant to greet voters. Taste of Peru is located at 6545 N. Clark Street. Visit their web site.
Found: Pumpkin the Cat's Owner!
Pumpkin the cat has been reclaimed by his family. Father and son had been looking for Pumpkin since he went missing sometime in early February. A Ginderske campaign volunteer brought the freezing, starving cat to the Ginderske 2007 office and cared for it until his family reclaimed him on the afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 17.
Alderman Moore's office refused to take the little fellow in on Feb. 10. But credit is due to Alexa at Moore's office, who answered a phone call from Pumpkin's "dad," who was calling around desparately looking for the orange tabby. Alexa referred him to the Ginderske aldermanic campaign office, and the happy reunion was made. See? Ginderske... taking action, getting results! See earlier story...
New Rogers Park Video Highlights Diversity
The Ginderske 2007 campaign released a short (57 seconds) video today that takes a look at the diversity in Rogers Park - and how it may be threatened.
Eidolon Art Studio Endorses Ginderske for 49th Ward Alderman
The following email from Eidolon Art Studio in Rogers Park went out to approximately 300 people. It is a strong endorsement for Democrat Jim Ginderske, candidate for alderman of the 49th Ward of Chicago.
This is a very, very significant endorsement. Why? Because this endorsement is organic, if you will; it comes from "ordinary" neighborhood people, not from big special interests outside of the ward, and not from a big real estate developer who has a strong vested interest in supporting someone who will return favors. The good folks at Eidolon do not expect favors in return for this endorsement. Can the same be said of the big money supporters of Don Gordon, Chris Adams, or Joe Moore. (It cannot.) Here, then, is the Eidolon Art Studio endorsement.
From: info@eidolonartstudio.com
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 03:43:06 -0800 (PST)
Hello everyone!
We are sending out this email endorsing Jim Ginderske for alderman in the February 27th election. As you all may know, we don't share our email list and haven't and will not, but we felt the need and importance to share this endorsement with all of you who have shared in our space in the past few years. Jim has been and is one of our biggest supporters and helped to create this space back in 2005. We highly encourage everyone to come to the debates and listen to what Jim has to say and see why we feel this strongly about him as our aldermanic candidate.
Tonight, February 7, 2007 at 7 pm United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse Ave. Sponsored by O.N.E. & League of Women Voters.
In case you want more information about Jim Ginderske and what he stands for please visit his website at www.jimgrp.com or call the campaign office at 773-338-3643. Also if you want to view some of the past debates or just some random campaign perspectives you can view some of them at www.rogersparkbench.blogspot.com.
Thanks for considering and please give Jim all the support you can on February 27th!
Angela and Tara, owners of Eidolon Art Studio
Power to the People: Grassroots Victory on Clark Street
Ginderske 2007 has announced that the organizing effort regarding a liquor store on Clark Street has been successful, defeating a package license transfer application. A coalition of several dozen Rogers Park residents collaborated to defeat an attempt to transfer a liquor license at the corner of North Shore and Clark streets.
On Friday, January 12, 2007, the city attorney announced that he had received a letter from the liquor store owner's attorney withdrawing their appeal of the denial of their application. Jim Ginderske, aldermanic candidate in Chicago's 49th Ward, worked with the Law Department of the City of Chicago to defeat the pending appeal.
On Clark Street, between Devon and Pratt Avenues, there are currently five licensed package liquor dealers -- approximately one per block. In order to deter the opening of additional liquor stores, the City imposed a moratorium years ago. On February 8, 2006, in response to a request from a campaign contributor and without notice to local residents, Alderman Moore lifted the moratorium.
Community activists noticed the filing two applications for liquor licenses; one by El Mexicano at Clark & North Shore and the other by La Bonita at Clark & Pratt. They contacted Joe Moore's office to complain, but were told by Moore's staff that the new liquor stores were a "done deal." Moore did not reveal that he had also accepted a $1,000 donation from the owner of El Mexicano the day after the moratorium was lifted. The community activists were disappointed, but not dissuaded by Moore's brush-off. Instead, they maintained their activism against the store. In addition to gathering signatures and writing protest letters, the community activists contacted Jim Ginderske for help.
The Ginderske campaign team learned that El Mexicano was selling single cans of beer, malt liquor, and half-pints of hard liquor, in defiance of a prior commitment not to do so. The Ginderske team made public El Mexicano's unwillingness to follow the rules. Moore responded to the press release by distributing a flyer that labeled Jim's statements "lies," but he was quickly caught in his own web of deceit when Ginderske volunteers produced a video of the store selling the offending items (Watch the video on YouTube).
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