Coding bootcamps are opening at a fast pace all around the U.S. It's a cheaper alternative to colleges and universities. Graduates are more likely to find gainful employment in their chosen industry than are their counterparts in universities and colleges. They are also called "hack schools" or "programming camps."
In California, some "California coding bootcamps" are being threatened by those gray bureaucrats. "In mid-January," reports VentureBeat, "the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) sent cease and desist letters to Hackbright Academy, Hack Reactor, App Academy, Zipfian Academy, and others."
VB also notes that the bootcamps are considered to be "unlicensed postsecondary educational institutions" and will be shut down if they do not bow down to their masters in Sacramento. The real kicker: "The bootcamps fear that they will go bankrupt as regulatory processes can take up to 18 months." That won't help the unemployment numbers any, but it will satisfy the gray bureaucrats.
"So far, the schools have not generated the type of horror stories coming out of the for-profit trade schools overseen by the BPPE," reports AllGov. "Earlier this month, the bureau shut down Career Colleges of America ’s (CCA) three Southern California campuses, marooning 850 students who invested time and money that may have been wasted."
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