Unique Video Documentary Examines the Sacrifices - and Physics - of D-Day Invasion of Normandy

June 6, 2013 - It was 69 years ago today that American soldiers, along with others from Allied nations, invaded the coast of Normandy in Nazi-occupied France in WWII. It was one of the deadliest days for Allies during World War Two, but one that turned the tide against Hitler's Nazi Regime. The invasion of Normandy was the biggest invasion ever made from the sea.

This video documentary (below) is a great look at the sacrifices made by so many soldiers on June 6, 1944. "Surviving D-Day: Omaha Beach 1944" not only examines the soldiers' struggles on that day, but gives us a fascinating look at "behind the scenes" factors that determined successes and failures: Magicians, the physics of water, breakfast choices and more. This is like no documentary about World War II that you've ever seen...

Memorial Day in the U.S. is dedicated to the memory of American soldiers who died in battle. D-Day is, in a way, much bigger. It's the day when we remember not only American GIs, but also their allied brothers from other nations who died by there side in the same great struggle. Twelve Allied nations participated in the invasion, including Australia, Canada, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, Greece, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

34,000 Americans stormed the beaches code named Omaha and Utah. British and Canadian troops fought and died on beaches code-named Sword, Juneau and Gold. Altogether, some 3,000 Brits and Canadians died that day. About 2,500 Americans perished. Many other soldiers were wounded, some horrifically.

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