Everybody Dies But Not Everyone Lives (Superchick Video)
I love this video. The song is "Cross The Line." The group is Superchick. The lead singer is Tricia Brock, who is not only easy on the eyes but is also a great rock vocalist. This song, in the video below, is from their 2008 album "Rock What You Got." The hit song got a second, remixed presentation in the band's 2010 album "Reinvention."
Their official bio states that "With their new project Reinvention, Grammy-nominated Superchick goes back to the studio to reinvent their favorite songs. Drawing inspiration from the 100+ TV shows, video games and movies that use their music, Superchick has created a soundtrack album for fast car chases, giant fighting robots, teen romance and bad guys walking in slow motion." You can hear samples of the tracks, including "Rock What You Got," at their website.
Superchick originated in Chicago and I've been a fan for a while now. I was surprised to learn only the other day that they call themselves, among other things, a Christian rock band. It makes sense, though, as their songs all have a positive message embedded within. They do this skillfully; none of their songs ever comes off as "preachy." It's just good rock music with strong, life-affirming lyrics. And don't we all want to feel affirmed? I sure do. Tricia says of the band's lyrics, "The songs won't bring you down. But if you are down, [they let] you know that you're not alone." I would add that if you are sitting down, the high-energy music just might make you stand up and dance. Okay, so watch the video below, then watch their "making of" video for a behind the scenes look at how this intriguing video was produced.
A good article by Juliana Cashin and Delia Kang at Innervoice describes the unusual genesis of Superchick:
Superchick began with a vision God had given Max Hsu, their producer and main songwriter. In the early 90’s, Max was in a band called Church Rhythm. After many concerts, young girls would share how a song they had written about suicide had ministered to them. Max saw the need to start a band that would encourage and inspire young girls who were struggling with feelings of depression and insecurity. Both Max and Dave Ghazarian, another member of Church Rhythm, began writing songs and came up with the name, Superchick. They had not planned to be in the band. When sisters Tricia and Melissa Brock met Max at a concert, he shared the vision with them, and Tricia felt as though this was the opportunity she had been longing for since high school.Full article here...
Superchick is: Tricia Brock (lead vocals), Melissa Brock (vocals, guitar), Matt Dally (bass, vocals), Dave Ghazarian (lead guitar, vocals), Max Hsu (keyboards, DJ).