Moving to Rogers Park?

Slow down. Reconsider. Do your research, as Amanda did. She and her significant other Rob are considering a move to "RoPa," as she calls it. Her research results are darkly amusing. Amanda wrote on her blog "Vanity Fairest": "Rob’s latest solution: Roger’s Park, the northernmost Chicago neighborhood along the lake, just south of Evanston. Did you know you can buy a three-bedroom walk-up condo with all the bells and whistles for under $200,000? Heck, you can buy a ginormous single-family home for about twice that!" Wow, that's great Amanda! But according to Alderman Moore, and to self appointed leaders like Brian White, the housing situation in Rogers Park is desperate, horrible, restrictive. Ah, but Amanda forges on: "So we did a little research and learned from the neighborhood’s website that RoPa is an eclectic and vibrant community, a place where people of diverse economic and cultural backgrounds can live in happy harmony, practically frolicking between their well-priced vintage homes." Hey Amanda and Rob, please don't move here. We don't want anybody who refers to Rogers Park as "RoPa," or anybody who actually thinks we are "practically frolicking" to and fro. Excuse me while I throw up. Perhaps Amanda is not totally hopeless, however. She did a bit more research, not relying on the Happy Propaganda of "Too good to be true?" she writes, "Perhaps, but there’s nothing like a little hope to get you in the mood for packing your bags, even when you practically just finished UN-packing from the last move. Then I stumbled across some less-than-reassuring blogs about Roger’s Park." Find out which "less-than-reassuring blogs" Amanda stumbled across on her blog. One of them is this blog, and she quotes my post about scanning the police. She obviously knows nothing about Chicago, because 99.9% of that post was NOT about Rogers Park. Ah well, if that post scared Amanda and Rob away, so be it. Amanda would probably call RoPa a scary "nabe" if they moved here anyway. We don't need that.