Barack Obama: Stinking Liar

And a lousy one, at that. After listening to the hateful preaching of his reverend for 20 years, he conveniently disses the man. Not that I don't think the rev doesn't deserve the dissing, but why the sudden and immediate change of heart? Today, Mr. Obama called a grab bag of statements by his longtime minister, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., “inflammatory and appalling....I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue,” he wrote in a campaign statement that was his strongest in a series of public disavowals of his pastor’s views over the past year. (Source: NY Times) Lynn Sweet hits the mark on the same subject of Obama's hypocrisy and convenient flips and flops in this article today in the Sun-Times: "Sweet column: Obama's politically expedient ethics conversions. Earmarks latest example."