Bowling for Virginia Tech

I have nothing to add to this brilliant commentary by Oleg Atbashian at Pajamas Media:
Bowling For Virginia Tech: Who Made Him Do This?
Did you notice how the trigger-happy “progressive” pundits have hastily assigned guilt for the Virginia Tech shooting to the American trigger-happy gun culture? How they use hateful epithets to project hatefulness on their fellow citizens? How they violently accuse Americans of violence, both physical and verbal? One has to wonder if the “progressives” possess the intellectual capacity to notice how ridiculous their method of psychological projection appears to an objective observer.
Progressive ideology dehumanizes people
more effectively than any violent
point-and-shoot video game ever could
I can’t help but deduce that the ugly picture they paint of America is something they see every morning in the proverbial mirror - a brainless, spineless, useless creature with an ego so huge that it obscures the horizon. It’s the image they love to loathe, and they project this loathing on the rest of us with all the energy of their “progressive” synapses. “Take this, America! You made me do this!” FULL COLUMN...

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