Weather Forecasting and Fear Mongering

There's a "top researcher" who says there's a "good chance" that the coming hurricane season will be "very active." Wow, talk about a hedged bet with lots of wiggle room. Remember how frantic the Chicken Little crowd was just after Hurricane Katrina in 2005? The "top researchers" and "experts" warned us that the hurricane season of 2006 would be far worse. It was not. In fact, it was mild. Now we are in 2007 and the doom and gloom gang are out there working overtime. So here's this guy saying the coming season will be "very active." That's not very specific, is it? There is a "good chance" it will be very active. Let's give it 50-50. Sure, that's a "good chance," but it means nothing. It's hardly a ballsy predicition, and you don't need to be a genius to predict that "at least one major hurricane" will come onto our coastline somewhere. That was true last year, it was true fifty years ago, and it was true 300 years ago. So this prediction has no real meaning. But it does have a purpose. It helps spread the fear. And the fear furthers the Agenda. DENVER -- The 2007 Atlantic hurricane season should be "very active," with nine hurricanes and a good chance that at least one major hurricane will hit the U.S. coast, a top researcher said Tuesday. SMELL THE FEAR...

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