Withdraw Police From Our Urban Areas

The police departments of every city, town and village in the United States are fighting a losing battle. This includes, of course, all sheriffs' departments. I propose that the withdrawal be completed by March of 2008. Let's face it, folks, every year law enforcement officers are killed in the senseless war on crime. The leaders of the war on crime have lied to us for many decades now, telling us that they can battle crime and win. They - we - have not won. Every day there is crime, and criminals continue to flourish. Furthermore, it is obvious that the young men and women who sign up to fight the war on crime do so because they are desperate youths with no other options. They join up for the benefits and the meager wages, never suspecting that their commanders will actually send them into battle on the mean streets of America. The trillions of dollars spent in the last century on the war on crime could have gone to better, more worthwhile projects. It is time to open a dialog with the criminals in America. Diplomacy is better than warfare, and the senseless killing must stop. Let's meet with the kingpins of crime and make concessions to them in the hope that they will stop pestering us with murder, rape, drug trafficking, and so on. They have hopes and dreams just as we all do. Withdraw our law enforcement officers now. Give peace a chance on the streets of America.

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