Not An Endorsement?

When a Republican serves as the head of an agency under a Democrat president, or vice versa, does that mean the one is endorsing the other? Not necessarily. Usually not, in fact. So the question must be asked: Is Ginderske's acceptance of the advisory Zoning Committee position (replacing Jay Johnson) necessarily an endorsement?

Hey, stop yelling at me. I'm just asking a question. So are a lot of people, like Ben Joravsky on the Reader's Chicago Politics Blog:

It's not an endorsement, OK?
by Ben Joravsky on March 20th - 1:26 p.m.

Not exactly. "I think Joe Moore's going to win," says Ginderske. "I believe we can either be an angry voice in the wilderness or we can stay involved. I want to stay involved in the community."
Full trough of slop...

Okay, Jim has offered reasons for his move. But what about this former femme fatale of the Ginderske camp (photo)? What does she see when she looks at herself in the mirror? More as the days go by. (Oh come now, Kathy, all's fair in love and politics. You're fair game now, too, sweety. You knew this'd happen, don't act all surprised.)

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