VIDEO: First Debate of 49th Ward Aldermanic Candidates

The first of six scheduled debates in the hotly contested aldermanic election in the 49th Ward of Chicago was held today. All four candidates attended (challengers Chris Adams, Jim Ginderske, Don Gordon, and incumbent Joe Moore). View the video below. There were no surprises. The candidates each gave an opening speech, and in each case it was essentially a recap of their positions that can be read on their campaign web sites. Crime, housing and income were the hot topics, but there was no hot debate. It was notable, however, that all three of Alderman Moore's challengers repeated the themes of Moore's negligence on matters of crime and of affordable housing. Jim Ginderske noted that many of the construction jobs in Rogers Park have gone to people who do not live in the 49th Ward. Don Gordon noted that he moved here 30 years ago with his wife Bonnie. Chris Adams waxed nostalgic about his mother wanting him to be a preacher. Joe Moore tried to avoid the real issues by taking credit for things he had nothing to do with. He noted that the ward is diverse, even though he had nothing to do with making it diverse, or in improving relations between groups. Moore said that nowhere else can you find a room filled with people that represent every ethnicity and national origin than in Rogers Park. Apparently, Mr. Moore has never visited New York, Los Angeles, Montreal, or dozens of other cities worldwide that attract people from all walks of life.

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