
"Change": Be Careful What You Wish For

Too many candidates are throwing the word "change" around these days. Folks, let's face it. Every major candidate out there, Republican and Democrat, is a hack, a well-entrenched organelle of his or her political party. Change? The only change these candidates really want is the change in your pockets. Too many voters are sheepishly responding to the call for "Change!" Before you vote for somebody because they claim they want change, ask yourself - and them - what kind of change they will bring. Here are some examples of politicians who brought change, even promising the change they brought. The results were not pretty.

Adolf Hitler: Decorated war veteran, brought major change to a Germany suffering under hyperinflation.

Benito Mussolini: Oh boy, did he change Italy, so much so that Herr Hitler was inspired.

Josef Stalin: Brought radical change to Russia in the form of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and changed the lives of over 100 million people, mostly from miserable to more miserable.

Mao Tse Tung: Estimates are that under Mao's rule from 1949 to his death in the mid-70's, about 40 to 60 million people died as a direct or secondary result of his policies. Now that's change!

James Earl Carter: Former President of the United States, "Jimmy" Carter gave us double digit inflation and allowed the religious fundamentalists to take over Iran.

Jefferson Davis - President of the Confederate States of America. He was so committed to bringing no change to the South that he was forced by history to start a war to break away from the United States. Change? Yes, major.

Rod Blagojevich - He was young, fresh, and different. He promised change. Instead, we've got a younger, more testicularly virile version of former governor George Ryan. Ryan is now doing time in federal penal camp in Wisconsin. Like Ryan, the Feds are heavily investigating corruption in the Blago Administration. With Rod, we got more of the same. No change at all.

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